Little bit of sugar and spice

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Lucio X Reader
(Lucio is also a big asshole teddy bear so in this story he will be the teddy bear)

Little bit of sugar and Spice

      You groaned softly plopping yourself down on your bed, Nadia and Lucio began yelling about who knows what. The servants were told to go to their homes or rooms and take the day off, you actually planned on taking a long walk to the palace library, a few books you needed to return but also to look at Julian's desk to find clues. Whatever he did just doesn't match up to anything. He's being accused of murdering a man who's just sick and dying.. nothing made sense...
((Probably because writer-Chan hasn't gotten that far into the GAME))
     You walked into the dark library and grabbed a few book after returning some. Walking over to the window sill you usually say upon a figure beat you to it, the sunsets glow silhouetted the figure but man them more... interesting. But something was brought out to you that stuck out: piercing red eyes glowed ominously into nothing.
You hesitated "C-" you were instantly cut off by the count who hushed you.
"Come, sit" he spoke with no emotion.
You did as you were told and sat at the very edge of the sill. The count glanced over at you and shook his head, he picked you up and placed you between his legs with your back towards him.
"What book do you have there?" He asked yet still with no emotion.
"Uh.... b-beauty and the beast" you blush, it was painful to admit you've always dreamt of a love like that.
"Oh? I'm having a stressful day and your voice tends to sooth the soul, mind reading for a bit?" He asked, his voice beginning to give a hint of kindness.
"Yea I don't mind..."

       The two sat there for hours reading and soon slowly coming towards and end, by end I mean the end of the book.

     Lucio sighed calmly and smiled "always a lovely book. Absolutely nothing can change that."
"You're damn right Count."
"Please, call me Lucio. The name Count makes me think of math and royalty and I definitely don't want to think of that now"
    Y/n nodded softly and laid her head back on his chest, she looked up at him and he looked down at her. The two smiled softly and made weird faces towards each other.
  "I knew you were an asshole like everyone says you are. You're nice" she smiled up at him, he frowned softly and looked away, a bright blush cascading across his cheeks.
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting up and turning to him.
  "Nothing... it's just... no ones ever said I was nice, let alone being called a good person and not an asshole" Lucio spoke softly staring at the roses in the garden.
"Well it's true. I know Nadia and you don't get along, but I just have a feeling she's the one claiming you to be the asshole— it's none of my business. Let's go for a walk into the forest. Clear all the negativity" y/n smiled standing up.
Lucio nodded and the two left to their journey into the forest.

         The forest had a light cyan tint to it, calm and quiet. It was perfect for a reading or a good talk, etc.

    "Lucio, wanna do a reading? You seem stressed out and worried." Y/n asked getting Asra's tarot card deck out and placing them on a flat rock, Lucio didn't nod but walked over and sat across from y/n.
   Y/n shuffled the deck and pulled out one card and faced it down. "Turn it over when you're ready.." she spoke softly, curious of what would come.
  Lucio stared at the cover and nodded before turning it over.


  "Interesting. Cupid. A god of love, maybe something between Nadia and you will change" it stung thinking about that. Nadia is a very strong independent woman and Lucio is also very strong and independent, but something struck in y/n's heart that didn't want them to fix things between them, she'd wanted Lucio to herself and indeed it was selfish but her heart couldn't help but feel that way.
   "Yea... Nadia and I.... I don't believe it'll work.. she wants to divorce, I told her that if it happened she can keep the palace, I'll find some place in the woods to lay back and die alone." Lucio slightly chuckled holding the card in his hands.
    The card was placed down and his hands were taking into smaller and softer ones, he glanced across from him staring right back into y/n's eyes.
   "Lucio..." y/n began to speak but stopped shaking her head a bit "sorry... I was going to say something stu-" the girl was cut off as a Count clashed his lips amongst the girl in front of him. Y/n didn't stop him, oh no, she melted into the kiss and snaked her hand up to his cheek, him doing the same.
    The two pulled away slowly and let out a soft chuckle "sorry. I couldn't help myself.. those lips of yours looked so lonely and I thought they needed attention" Lucio winked.

"You're such a cheesy ass"

"Yea, but I'm your cheesy ass"

"Who said? What if Julian was my cheesy ass?"

"I'll kill him"

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