Yellow Butterflys

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Muriel X Reader

Yellow Butterflys

"They say when a yellow Butterfly comes close to you and flys away, they will lead you do your soul mate."

"Asra that's complete crap... after what happened with Julian I don't believe stupid little tales like that anymore"

"It's true! Look, we'll go butterfly hunting in the darkest forest and follow the one that catches your eye"

You scoff, "fine, this crap won't work though" you stood up and went to make tea.

"Trust me y/n, it will"

—- next day—-

Asra took you out early in the morning when the butterflies would begin to flutter. You smiled at the nature-like smell. Fresh grass after the rain and the smell of pine trees.

"Alright y/n! Find your inner butterfly" Asra exclaims and sits on the grass with Faust.

You roll your eyes and then close them, you inhaled then exhaled before looking straight ahead of you, a big beautiful yellow butterfly has taken notice of you and fluttered itself on your finger. You were shocked but followed the ways it jumped on the tip of your finger.

The butterfly led you to Muriels house then floated away.
"No way..... he's my.. he can't be... he's a soft teddy bear.... who deserves more than me or anything" you mumble to yourself before walking to the door and knocking.

A huff was faint from the other side of the door but opened in time for the big macho man to hear your giggle.
"What's so funny?" Muriel asked, a bright blush crossed his cheeks.
"Nothing Muriel"
Muriel huffed and blushed turning his gaze to the side, the butterfly he followed gently laid on your should and fluttered its wings and jumped between you two.
  "Y/n.... I- there's something I deeply want to tell you" Muriel spoke up with a deep blush.
You began to blush yourself, a small smile on your lips.
  "I... I uh.... what have you and the others found about Lucio?"

The feeling of what he was going to say sunk into your stomach and dissolved. You cleared you throat holding back that hope and sighed "nothing much yet... but we know that Julian didn't kill Lucio, that night, Julian was in the dungeon. Lucio was some place else and away from others.."
Muriel nodded softly, it grew quiet between you two and you waved before walking back to find Asra.

  You found him, thankfully. Walking up to him you have a heartbreaking look "never again..." you only said those words before going to the shop; Asra following behind you.
  "Wait y/n! What happened? You look like youre going to cry!" Asra chases after you.
You paused facing down, "for a good moment I thought that stupid little tale would've been true.. it's not and I'm dumb for believe it is and that Muriel would've felt something about me..." you choked out, a few tears slipping away. "I think I want to be alone for a bit" you sigh out.

You went back into the woods to look for a pond, you wanted to clear your head while using the Tarot Cards.

You wanted to try out a one card Reading and just hoped it wasn't anything worse than things were.

 You wanted to try out a one card Reading and just hoped it wasn't anything worse than things were

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You looked down at the card and furrowed your brows. You remembered something from your past, someone said this to you and it's all you can remember from that time.
"Something horrible always happens before the happy ending"

Maybe this was the horrible thing, maybe What Muriel said wasn't what he wanted to say, after all he is still a shy teddy bear.

You nodded and put the deck away before running to Muriel's house.


The door was wide open, the fire was out and no one was inside.  You took a step inside and glanced around. "Muriel-"
"Behind you sweetheart"
Behind you was the big man himself, he looked as if he'd been crying for a bit.
"Muriel what happened? Please don't cry" you wiped away the tears and looked up at him worryingly.
"I.... I'm sorry y/n.... I didn't want to know about the count.. I wanted to tell you how much I love you... but I got scared" he admitted.
"Don't be sorry... it's okay.... I wanted to tell you the same thing" you leaned up and kissed his cheek softly, he engulfed you in a warm embrace and you two just stood there holding each other

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