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Requested by: @Daisypie067

Thank you for the request! :)

~Asra: asra doesn't really get annoyed with you, he knows better than show that hes annoyed when its something so dumb to be annoyed at. but if he's busy and its something he cant be taking his focus off of a whole lot he'll look at you and glare, he'll tell you stop but when you don't he'll use a spell to turn your voice or your physical appearance into a quiet animal

~Nadia: due to her job as a countess she gets annoyed fairly easily, when you go to bother her she'll make you promises that she'll love you later and that she needs to focus on work right now. but when shes really stressed and you go to annoy her she'll snap and yell a you to stop, but its usually a whisper yell because she doesn't want others involved, she'd later apologize for how she acted out and you do as well.

~Julian: this. man. does. not. give. a. flying. shit. if you bother him, infact he loves the attention so much he'll do more work just to get your want for attention. but when he sees that you kind of give up he'll stop what he's doing to cuddle with you and tell you funny jokes.

~Muriel: well the teddy bear would be very confused at what you're doing, he isnt used to the affection, no matter how long you guys have been together. he doesn't do a whole lot but his normal routine, he doesn't like falling from that routine but he also leaves his routine to whenever he wants in the day, he just makes sure it gets done, so seeing you want attention he'll finish up what he's doing and hug you for awhile, all while blushing and muttering sweet things and occasionally asking if he's doing this right. 

~Portia: she lovesssss the attention. she'll drop everything even if she's at the palace doing her job, even if its just for five minutes or five hours she'll give you unconditional love when she can. when its been a bad day she hugs you differently. its a looser hug and she doesn't squeeze your bones. when asking her whats wrong she tells you and starts to get back into her happy energetic self.

~Lucio: he's really clingy, so really he'll be the one annoying you for attention, but when he's busy you'll go into his office to annoy and tease him. he'll just look at you unimpressed and ask what the hell you're doing and to leave so he can finish his work. when you continue to annoy him he'll put you onto his lap and wrap his golden arm around you to keep you still while he worked, he would occasionally leave love marks on your neck and wouldn't care if a servant walked in.

~The Devil: the man will laugh at you when you try to annoy him, sometimes it gets too much for him and he'll lightly scare you so you'll stop but later when hes not so busy or angered he'll cuddle with you and tell you how much he loves you.

~Nahara: nahara knows when to keep herself calm but she also knows when to stand her ground and make herself crystal clear. when you annoy her she usually isnt fazed because she can give you one single glare with a raised brow and you know damn well not to continue or you'll be getting it later- if you know what that means-

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