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  I had made sure that I got up earlier than Will so that I could get dressed without him breathing down my neck out of boredom. This turned out to be a great decision when Will came into my apartment yelling. Right when I was about to text him, he burst in.

I was laying on my bed when I heard my door being opened. "Mel! It's go time! Get your ass up!" Will gave my bedroom door two knocks before opening it. "Up and at 'em!"

I moved my gaze from my phone over to Will and snorted at his behavior. "I'm up. You're gonna get me evicted if you keep that up."

"Get out of bed. We're gonna go get Niki." He knocked on my doorframe before starting to walk over towards the door.

I rolled myself out of bed and scurried after him. "Wow, you picked me up first? That's surprising."

"Gremlins don't deserve sleep." He glanced at me as he opened my apartment door.

I rolled my eyes at him before rushing around to get everything I needed. "Give the gremlin a second. I need a mask." I walked back into my room and took one from my desk. When I came back out with my mask on, Will was impatiently standing in the doorway. It would've been a nightmare if I woke up any later than I did.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Keys, wallet, phone?"

"Keys, wallet, phone." I gestured to the pocket that each item was held in as I said them. "You're being such a dad."

He rolled his eyes and started to walk out of my apartment. I had to rush to catch up after locking my door. Once I had caught up with him on the stairs, he tried to trip me.

I saw where he had put his foot and scowled at him. "If I didn't see that, I would've died on these stairs."

He chuckled. "You wouldn't have died. You would've been humiliated." He opened the door that separated us from the outside world and I shivered at the gust of cold air it let in.

Reluctantly, I followed Will out into the cold autumn air. Getting into the passenger seat of his car provided some relief from the cold. Although, Will kept insisting that it wasn't all that cold in the first place, to which I responded with a reminder that I grew up in Texas.

It didn't take too long to get to Niki's apartment and I insisted on going in with Will. The main reason was to see the kitten that I had met only a couple days ago on Niki's birthday.

I ran up the stairs to get to the door before Will and knocked on the door of the apartment I knew to be Niki's.

Niki timidly opened the door before breaking into a smile at the sight of me. "Hey, Mel."

I smiled back. "Morning, Niki."

"Come in." She moved out of the doorframe. "I need to grab a few things before we leave."

I followed her inside as she rushed over to her room and decided to let the door close on its own until Will practically slammed into it to make sure he got in before it closed and locked him out.

I laughed at him. "We could've just... opened the door again."

He shook his head as he entered the room, ignoring my comment. "Where's Niki?"

I gestured towards her bedroom door. "She went to get something." I surveyed the room until I spotted the little kitten with his bright eyes staring at me. "Hey, buddy!" I smiled and offered a hand for Zuko to smell.

  He gave me a quick sniff before walking away. He looked over at Will and immediately got upset, giving his best shot at an aggressive meow.

  Will frowned and looked away from Zuko in an attempt to keep him from getting more upset. "Why does he hate me? I did absolutely nothing to him."

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