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"You look cute in that hoodie."

I felt like my heart stopped beating at the sound of those words and I slowly looked up at the man who was now making his way down the stairs. "Nick?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"Hey, Mel." Sapnap was stood at the bottom of the stairs now with that oh so familiar smile of his.

"Holy shit. Nick!" I practically launched myself at him in my excitement and wrapped my arms around him.

He quickly returned the favor, catching me in a hug. He pulled me closer to him and giggled at my excitement.

I buried my face into his chest and was met with the smell of cologne that had gone missing from the hoodie of his that I was wearing. I was completely absorbed into the moment. "Please tell me this is actually happening."

"It's actually happening." He adjusted his grip around my back and rested his head on top of mine.

I kept my eyes closed tightly as if he was going to suddenly disappear. "I don't want to let go." I chuckled at myself.

"You don't have to." He mumbled onto the top of my head.

"I mean, eventually you do." Bea's voice broke the bubble that I had put around us. I forgot her and Karl were even there.

"Shut up. They're having a moment." Karl scolded her.

Both Sapnap and I started laughing and our hug broke from it. We didn't completely separate though. We were sort of holding each other in place, keeping us together.

I looked up at him and was mesmerized by him. I'd seen his face a million times, but this was so different. His eyes seemed like they were sparkling and his smile was melting my heart.

He seemed to be staring at me with the same sort of wonder. "FaceTime doesn't do your eyes justice."

I laughed. "I could say the same for you." My eyes flicked between the dark brown ones staring back at me. His hair was messy and I could tell that he had recently woken up. I couldn't blame him for sleeping so long. What I thought had been a fourteen hour drive was really a twenty hour one. A frown settled over my lips. "Wait, you drove that whole trip in one day? You're such a dumbass."

  "It honestly wasn't that bad." He gave me a smile in an attempt to reassure me.

  "That was a total lie." I called him out.

  "Well, either way, it was worth it." The sincerity in his tone made me melt right in his grasp.

  I leaned forward and pulled him into another hug. The many calls that we had couldn't give me the knowledge that he was so comfortable. His hugs felt so safe. I still couldn't process that the guy that I had been falling for, the guy that I had admitted everything to, the guy that I thought was perfect was right in front me.

  A wave of intense emotion washed over me for an unknown reason. This was Nick that was holding me in his arms. This was the same Nick that I spent almost all of my time on call with. This was the Nick that had taken my heart and I couldn't get it back from him, try as I might. My arms tightened around him and he rubbed my back. He could tell that I was getting emotional and all I could do was pray that he understood. Who am I kidding? He always understood.

  "You're here." I mumbled quietly into his chest, my voice cracking slightly with emotion.

  "I'm here." He reassured me in just as quiet of a tone. He was mumbling the words by my ear as he rubbed my back. "I'm here, Melody."

  His words made butterflies erupt in my stomach and I just kept my face nuzzled into the fabric of his shirt. A sudden realization washed over me and I started laughing, pulling away from Nick slightly.

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