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"Mel!" Bea yelled through the apartment and I was startled awake from my nap.

"What?" I complained loud enough for her to hear outside of my room.

The door to my room was swung open. "Were you sleeping?"

I nodded and rubbed my tired eyes.

"It is quite literally eight at night." Bea deadpanned.

I shrugged. "I needed a nap."

"From what?" She laughed. "You literally don't do anything but call your friends and tweet."

"You didn't have to call me out like that." I frowned at her.

"Well, up and at 'em. I'm getting this dye in before you see your family again." Bea tugged at my comforter and I was immediately reminded of Will's rude wake ups.

The reminder made me frown a bit more, knowing that I couldn't call Will this late to get rid of my missing him. "Yeah. Coming. Give me a second."

Once she left my room and closed the door, I threw on a different shirt, knowing that Bea would inevitably mess up something somehow. I walked out and found her already in the bathroom with a green mask covering half of her face. I could tell she smiled at me from the way the skin around her eyes wrinkled. "I'm so glad I get to stop wearing this around you soon."

I nodded with a small smile making its way to my face. "I just wanna be careful for your sake."

She nodded in agreement. "And no way in hell am I dying your hair while you're wearing a mask."

I chuckled and sat on the chair that Bea had put in the center of the bathroom. "That would be difficult."


Bea and I were chatting while we waited in her bathroom and I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and before I could read who the contact was, Bea looked at the ceiling.

"Five bucks. Sapnap." She bet.

I frowned at the contact that normally made me smile. "Yeah. Sapnap." I admitted sadly.

While Bea was celebrating her newly gained five dollars, I got my usual smile back at Sapnap's call. It was worth the five dollars, I guess.

I picked up and greeted him. "Hey, Nicky."

Sapnap rolled his eyes at me, but I could see the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile. "What are you doing?"

I pointed at my hair and gave him an unimpressed look. "Baking cupcakes. What do you think?"

He laughed. "In my defense, I wasn't paying attention to your hair."

I was distracted by a sudden buzzing from behind me and saw that Bea was getting a call. I looked up at the ceiling. "Five bucks. Jacobs."

"Damnit!" Bea growled before picking up the call. "You just made me lose five dollars, Sean. This better be good."

I giggled at my victory and looked back at Sapnap.

He looked amused. "Did you just bet on who was calling?"

I nodded. "She guessed you right, so now we're even." I turned to glance at Bea and found that she had her phone up to her ear which was unusual. Usually she just spoke on speaker phone with Sean and I.

Bea shushed Sean before walking out of the room and shooting me an unreadable look.

I looked back at Sapnap with confusion evident on my face. "Well, that was weird."

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