Carrier: Prologue

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"How cruel can life be?"

"Omegas really have the cruelest fate they can have. Those who succeed are the ones who met a rich alpha to pair with. But with me and my family's circumstances, there's no hope for such a thing," Xiao Zhan mumbled under his breath.

"Hey bro! You're spacing out again!" JiLi hit him at the back that made him jolt in surprise. 

"Oh, sup?" Xiao Zhan answered after snapping out of his deep thoughts. 

"You're always the early bird, how do you manage to wake up in the morning without slacking off?" Cao Yuchen asked as he pulled the chair beside him and sat. 

Xiao Zhan chuckled, "Nothing much," he answered, 'It's because I'm the one doing the chores at home,' he said inside his head but rather not tell his friends.

"Well anyway, wanna hang out after class?" JiLi asked and sat to his right.

"You know I can't, I have part-time jobs to attend to," Xiao Zhan sighed.

"Ah, you're right! How about you Yuchen?" JiLi turned his attention to the man beside Xiao Zhan.

"I'm free, count me in," he answered.

"Nice!" JiLi said excitedly.

'Life as an omega really is hard, problems don't escape me every day. When will I be free from this? When will I be like them, enjoying college life to the fullest?' Xiao Zhan thought as he looks at his classmates and friends, out of all of them he seems like he was the only one carrying a heavy burden on his back. 

"Take your seat, the class is about to start," Xiao Zhan snapped out of his thoughts when their professor just came it. Everyone took their seats as the class started.


"arrrghhh" Yuchen groaned as he stretches his arm above his head while JiLi yawned widely, "Finally, our classes are finished, I'm beat!" JiLi uttered and put all his things in his bag.

"Yeah~" Yuchen agreed as he sluggishly fixes his things as well.

"Hm," Xiao Zhan answered, his things were finished already. Now he needs to run to his part-time job or they might cut his paycheck again for being late.

"Gotta go guys! See you tomorrow!" He bid goodbye to them and rushes off before the two can say a thing. 

The two sighed, "He always run off whenever the classes are done, what could have been pulling him?" JiLi remarked as he scratches his nape.

"You know, I heard him one time. He was spacing out and mumbling something." Yuchen shrugged. 

JiLi looked at him with full of curiosity. "Like this morning? I didn't hear what he said but he was mumbling."

"Yeah, I heard that his father has already passed away and he is the one making money for his family," Yuchen answered.

"Oh that's why he rushes off like that every after lecture," JiLi nodded, convinced at what Yuchen said. "Now I remember, I saw him budgeting his paycheck. It's almost like he doesn't keep money for himself. He also told me that he always needs to keep an extra from the paycheck he gets in case his sister's sickness attacks again," Ji Li added. 

"Well, he's a hardworking guy anyway," Yuchen remarked.

"If only I can help him, I would've. But what can a college student who smooch of his parent's money do?" JiLi chuckled at his statement.

"Yeah, right!" Yuchen laughed at him. "But I think I can help him a bit," he continued, "I heard my parents last night talking about something, something like a job about Carrier or something like that, I don't know," He shrugged.

"Oh, maybe it can help Zhan in some ways!" JiLi exclaimed. "you really have sharp ears huh?" he praised Yuchen and punch him slightly on his arm.

"It's not like I purposely listened to them, it's just that I overheard them okay?" Yuchen rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, try asking your parents later about that job so we can somehow help Xiao Zhan with his problems." 

"Yeah," he answered, "Anyway, is that YuBin?" He looked at the distance, Ji Li turns his gaze to where he is looking, "That's them, come on let's enjoy the evening!" JiLi said excitedly and run towards YuBin while Yuchen followed after him.


Xiao Zhan sighed as he grabs his bag from his part-time job's locker room. 

"That was tiring," he mumbled and stretches his arm. He works at a convenience store with a pay that is only enough for their daily expenses and some small amount for his savings in case his sister might need it again.  

It's already ten in the evening that he finished his work. He purposely works overtime to be able to earn more money, but it was not still enough for extras. 

When he was walking down the street his phone suddenly rang. He flinched in surprise and immediately grab his phone from his bag. He answered right away without looking at who it was. 

"Yes?" He answered.

"Zhan!!" It was his mother, she was panicking from the tone of her voice. He can even hear voices of people from the background.

"MA? WHAT HAPPENED?!" he exclaimed, his heartbeat suddenly thump fast in fear. But he's secretly wishing that it was not something severe.

"Y-your sister---" She said from the other line, her voice is trembling. She can hear sobs from her as well.

"Where are you? I will be there immediately!" He exclaimed, he's panicking as well. It's what he is telling, his sister had her seizure again. It's been occurring often lately, the money he saves isn't enough for another hospitalization again. 

He ran as fast as he could after receiving a message from his mother, it was the address of the hospital she was taken into. 

Gladly, the place is not far enough for him to ride transportation. He ran there, arriving after fifteen minutes. He ran to the information desk to ask where his sister is and the nurse answered immediately. He ran to the corridors until he reach the room. 

"Ma!" He shouted as he banged the door open. His mother and the doctor was surprised at his sudden appearance, they looked in their direction. 

"Zhan.." His mother uttered, her eyes are swollen, indicating that she just cried.

"What happened?" He asked worriedly as he gets near to his mother.

"Your sister, she needs an operation, asap..." she said faintly and lowered her head. She knows how much Xiao Zhan is suffering from their family's situation, but she can't do anything to ease his burden. She can't work since no one will take care of her daughter and his husband died a long time ago, leaving them in that state. 

Xiao Zhan smiled faintly at his mother, "Don't worry ma, I will do something about it. Don't worry," he reassured. But deep inside, he doesn't know what he should do. He can't ask for his advance paycheck because the convenience store isn't that big enough to give advances, even if he asks for it in advance it's still not enough for his sister's operation. His fist clutch tight as he contains all his tiredness, there's no place for his tiredness anymore, he needs to work hard more for his family. 

"I'm sorry Zhan," His mother uttered, tears started flowing from her eyes again.

Xiao Zhan smiled and hugged his mother, "No need to be sorry ma, this is all for you and jiejie," he uttered, hiding all the heaviness he has on his body. "Don't worry, we'll be able to let jiejie have her operation, trust me," he assured her, even if he knows that it's impossible he still wants his family to feel at ease. 

He sighed and patted his mother's back, "You go rest now, ma, I will talk to the doctor," he said and plastered a fake smile to not let his mother worry.

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