Peace Talks Pt. 2

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Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside

Mr. Brightside- The Killers

Day two of the peace summit proceeded much as the first had, though some progress was made when the First Order agreed to reopen several, but not all, key hyperlanes in exchange for being granted access to several of Corellia's key ship yards. This progress was very nearly erased when the Supreme Leader huffed out of the room in frustration when Leia refused to cede her objection to the continuation of the stormtrooper program.

Rey would have been furious if she weren't so drained

Once again, Cyrilla ended the day early, praying to the Maker tomorrow would go better.


The various parties had went their separate ways afterwards. Well, mostly.

Leia had set up a meeting between herself and the representatives from Corellia, Chandrila and Coruscant to discuss strategy.

It was going about as well as the peace talks at large.

"If they exist as an entity outside the Republic we cannot tell them how to rule the systems under their control Leia. Even the Old Republic understood that," reasoned Governor Drince, the current leader of Coruscant.

"Yes. And look what happened," countered Senator Gran of Chandrila with a look of pure disgust on her wizened features. "The Empire was built on the backs of slaves and forced servitude. Such fascist ideologies cannot be allowed to flourish in our galaxy. It's only a matter of time before they come knocking on the Republic's door, treaty or no."

"I concure with the senator and the general. Allowing the kidnapping of children cannot be allowed to continue," argued Chancellor Florin of Corellia, the sole man in the room.

"Our mandate has no power outside of the worlds we control," replied the governor, anger lacing her words. "Just as their's will have no place in the Republic."

"Surely we can use it as a bargaining tool. Agree to something else in exchange for them dropping the program," Senator Gran reasoned. She looked to the Governor, "access to Coruscant, perhaps?"

"You may recall that, while supporting the New Republic in these negotiations, Coruscant has not officially pledged itself to the Republic as Chandrila and Corellia have," the Governor responded venomously. "If we wish to allow them access to our planet, we will do so."

"How would we enforce it anyway?" Leia pointed out in an attempt to diffuse the situation, her heart sinking at Governor Drince's words. "Its not like we can just ask them if they're being honest about it."

"There'd have to be some kind of reporting or inspection process," mused Senator Gran as she smoothed the front of her long purple and gold robe.

Leia sighed. This was going to be a long day.


"I've never seen her like that, Rose," Finn said as he finished recounting the previous evening's events. "Not even after Kef Bir. She's never looked so defeated."

Rose took her boyfriend's hand in her own. "I'm sure she'll be fine, Finn. I'll go talk to her later, see if she's okay. In the meantime, Chewy asked for my help on the Falcon. Want to come?"

Finn debated a moment before shaking his head. "I need to study the ancient texts. Rey is going to help me with the healer's holocron later this evening and I want to be ready." He pulled out his data pad for emphasis.

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