We build it up, we tear it down
We leave our pieces on the ground
We see no end, we don't know how
We are lost and we're falling
Hold onto me
You're all I have, all I have
Hold onto me
You're all I have, all I havePieces - Rob Thomas
Training droid #76 crumbled into its components as a yellow beam of light cut through it before taking out its twin #77 in a similar fashion. It was the fourth day since Rey had blinked into conciousness and she'd been cleared for light physical activity earlier in the day by the Chief Medical Officer. Ben had helped her program a very easy training simulation to work through while he had a council meeting under the strict caveat that she stop if it became too much. In truth, she hadn't even broken a sweat. She finished off the final droid with a flourish of her staff. Maker it felt good to be moving and to have some time to herself. Ben had been hovering over her for the past two days, and while endearing, it had become cloying.
Her wrist comm chimed as she turned the simulator off. It was a message from Finn.
How are you feeling?
Cleared for light activity.
Good. When will you be back?
Rey chewed her lip as she considered her response. The past few days had been... nice. Being with Ben, even when he was smothering her, felt right. It was where she belonged. Every piece of her ached to be with every piece of him. But the Resistance needed her. She had obligations to fulfill and she needed her family as well. She was hoping there was still a way she could have both Ben and her friends, but hadn't worked out a solution.
Soon. Still figuring some things out here.
Don't stay too long. I still don't trust all of this.
They had been skeptical about her status from the start and it was only after she had sent an encrypted holo with her passcode in it that they relaxed. It was mind-blowing to them, and to her if she was being honest, that he was willing to let her leave, apparently with no strings attached. She heard the doors open as Ben entered the room.
I won't. I do have to go though.
"Are they still worried that I'm playing some elaborate game and that you're actually dead?" he asked, his tone just barely teasing as he leaned against the control panel, ankles and arms crossed.
"Well, I am in the lair of the terrifying Kylo Ren." she teased back. Why did he have to look so damn good standing there like that?
A blush creeped up her face as she realized from his smirk that he had heard her thought. She tried to tell herself it was no big deal, that she'd caught him looking at her often enough over the past few days it was only fair. She was saved from further embarrassment by her stomach growling.
He tilted his head towards the door. "I came in to let you know dinner should be here in thirty minutes or so."
"Good. That should give me some time to clean up."
As they stepped into the hallway Ben froze in his tracks in front of her, panic in his aura. She stepped to his side to locate the source, igniting her saberstaff, which did not appear to be necessary once she located the cause of the sudden change: A pretty blonde about her own age standing next to the door to his suite, her expression matching his once she noticed Rey at his side, with her saberstaff lit. She could feel him tugging at their bond.
It's not what you think....
She shut him out with the equivalent of a slamming door as she doused her saber. "By all means, don't let me interrupt. I need to shower anyway. " She ignored him when he kept probing her mind as she entered her suite. This was going to make leaving much easier.

Confronting Fear
Fanfiction"When I offer you my hand again, you'll take it." What if Kylo Ren had been right? What if Rey had taken Kylo Ren's hand when he offered it the second time, deciding her best chance at defeating Palpatine and saving the galaxy was with him? But can...