And far below, the carnivores
Are looking up to where I soar
Above the clouds, above the storm
Above the earth I am transformed
The energy has set me free
And pulled me through the galaxy
I've risen up beyond the sky
I am awake, I am aliveAntigravity- Starset
"Is everyone in position?" Poe spoke into the headset, frequency set for the one he shared with his other six pilots, plus the Millennium Falcon.
Various affirmations came in over the comm.
"All right. We're down an X-Wing so we're all going to have to step it up a notch. Intel says we have four AT-STs and an AT-AT but we don't know what else. These Witches have the Force, but we have the SMC and the Nightsisters backing us up on that. Focus on your targets. Blue Leader, Blue 1, you're going try to draw two of the AT-STs towards the Nightsisters. Grey Leader, Grey 1, you're on the other two, Blue 2, Grey 2 you're with me on the AT-AT. Chewy, you're on support."
"Copy that Black Leader." rang in his ear six times, well seven if you counted Chewy.
Poe flew forward over the three lines of warriors below him to the east, his eagle eyes looking for Finn. He spotted him at the front on his rancor alongside Derwyn. Poe laughed out loud at how ridiculous he looked. Finn had overcome his fear of the beasts and learned to ride one, albeit not very well. The entire Resistance had been surprised to learn that rancors were considered semi-sentiate and were capable of basic communication with humans. Lucky for Finn, the one he rode, Nothnor, had taken a liking to him.
Poe switched to the ground frequency. "Finn, you in position?"
"Yep. Derwyn and I are at the front with the SMC. Our guys are behind us with the two ground cannons. Seirien and her mages are bringing up the rear."
"Copy that, Finn."
"Blue Leader, everything on the west side lookin' good?"
"As far as I can tell, the Nightsisters seem to be in position, Black Leader."
They'd spent three days carving out battle plans with the Nightsisters. In that time two attacks had occurred, one against each tribe resulting in five dead, three wounded. Both tribes wanted this ended, badly enough to cooperate.
The caves the Spiderclan inhabited were at the north end of the territory known as the Wastes, and for good reason. It was a slice of rocky, arid desert land devoid of most life wedged between the Singing Mountain Clan and Nightsister territories. Seirien's troops and the Resistance were lined up along the eastern border, while the Nightsisters were along the west. Inky and Maguud, otherwise known as Blue Leader and Blue 1, respectively, were supporting the Nightsisters on the western edge. They had requested ground support as well, but the Resistance had refused. They'd been uneasy about sending Inky and Maguud as it was, but at least they were airborne should this go south.
"Alright! Look alive everybody. We're doing this."
Seirien sat aboard her rancor, the Herd Mother Stormrose at the rear of the line but ready to charge forward if needed, her glaive strapped to her saddle for easy access. As one of the Clan's strongest mages, it was determined she would support from the rear with magic for as long as possible though she had desired to be in the front.
She scanned the skies as the black X-Wing piloted by Poe flew overhead. He had put so much of himself into this despite the fact this was not his fight. These were her people, this was her problem yet Leia and her group had jumped in without a thought as though it were their own.
Seirien had been taught from a young age to be suspicious of Outworlders, and not without reason. Over the centuries many had tried to enslave or exploit them but the Clan had stood strong since its founding by Mother Allya. It would not fall under her.

Confronting Fear
Fanfiction"When I offer you my hand again, you'll take it." What if Kylo Ren had been right? What if Rey had taken Kylo Ren's hand when he offered it the second time, deciding her best chance at defeating Palpatine and saving the galaxy was with him? But can...