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Silent night, let me sleep away these memories within
sacrifices of purity are turning into sins
And this judgement day is growing near
And this confession is killing me again

This beautiful tragedy is crashing into me
This dying destiny

Beautiful Tragedy- In This Moment

Rey heard the double doors of the entrance close behind her with a deafening slam. As predicted, her line to Kylo severed as if snapped by the force of the door slamming shut. Inside, the great building was as black as the heart of its former occupant, every movement kicking up dust. Rey removed the electric torch from her pack, its narrow beam would be enough to help her avoid major disaster, but not much else. For the thousandth time she wished for her saber. Electricity had been cut to the building years ago, so there was no hope for that.

Rey retreated into her mind, grounding herself in the Force. She cast out her awareness throughout the gigantic space. She could feel nothing living inside the stone walls, but could feel the hum of the Force coming from the very center of the building, neither Light nor Dark. Balance.

Rey made her way to the base of the central tower without incident. She could feel the Force calling to her from within the center. She found a turbolift, but with no electricity it would not be operational. After tripping over a fallen statue, Rey found the door to the stairwell hidden behind a thick tapestry. She was certainly not looking forward to climbing twenty odd flights of stairs.

Her father had been born here....

Rey didn't know where the thought came from or why it mattered.

Because you never knew him, not even his name. There might be traces of him here. Rey quickly did the math. The Empire fell a bit over thirty years ago. She was twenty. The little she could remember was that her parents were young, early twenties at most. He'd have been between twelve and sixteen years old when his father was defeated at the Battle of Endor. Maybe he had a room here....

Rey shook her head as if to clear it. The Dark wanted to distract her from her task. She needed to continue her climb. About the fifteenth floor she heard it. A sweet sound like a bell. Her crystal maybe?

The stairwell ended at the eighteenth floor. She exited and found herself in a spacious, empty room. The room was suddenly filled with shelves of books tended by an elderly Jedi librarian and was just as suddenly empty again. This used to be the library....

Rey couldn't help but feel grief at the loss of such precious knowledge. All because of her evil grandfather...

"Yes, terrible the loss was. Recovered it, the galaxy never has."

Rey nearly jumped out of her skin, yanking the blaster out of it's holster on her hip, a poor substitute for her saber.

The voice laughed. "Ah young Rey, hurt you I will not. Here to guide you, I am."

Rey looked down to see a small green figure in Jedi robes staring back at her, the telltale blue glow marked him as a Force ghost. He seemed familiar.  "Who... who are you?"

The little green man laughed again. "Ah young Rey, curious, always have you been. For a thousand years I trained Jedi and here to help you I am. Master Yoda am I."

Rey did a double take. That's why he was familiar. Leia had told her about the legendary Jedi Master and his strange appearance. "Master Yoda, it is in an honor."

"And an honor to meet you, it is. Come, I will show you to the top of the spire."

He led her to an ornate spiral staircase that led to the twentieth floor, his robes dragging on the ground leaving no trail on the dusty floor. The diminutive Master stopped in the center of the small room. "Cast your Force out, you must. Find the entrance you will."

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