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So sacrifice yourself,
and let me have what's left.

I know that I can find
the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way,
get away, please.

Breath - Breaking Benjamin

The second she reappeared in her room, Rey got to work. He'd made one huge mistake when he brought her on board. He'd confiscated her blaster and saber but let her keep the small multi-tool. Master Yoda had been right, they did all have their heads too much in the Force.

The door she had actually figured out her first morning aboard. Kylo was gone when she woke up and she started investigating her surroundings. She was almost insulted at how easy it was to pop the panel off and swap a few wires around. She knew children on Jakku who could have pulled it off. The way the system was set up, the outside panel would be exactly the same.

The cuffs would be trickier as she risked shocking herself while attempting to deactivate them. She soon figured out that the left cuff was a slave to the right, in that it had no controls of its own. It did whatever the right cuff did, making it perfect to start with. Thirty minutes later she had both off. She could feel Kylo raging in the training room, his mind occupied elsewhere, though she knew not for long.

She quickly dressed in a plain black tunic, leggings and the tall boots. She wanted to look as much like an officer as possible, hoping no one would look too close. She could always mind trick or fight her way out, but that risked too much attention.

She was relieved to find her suspicions were right, that the outside panels were the same as the interior, which meant it took her only a couple of minutes to get in and out of Kylo's quarters, dagger and saberstaff in hand.

She could feel Kylo's energy starting to wane, he'd be out of the training room soon. A few more wires and the turbolift was on it's way down to the hangar. She'd counted on the halls being practically deserted due to the late hour, only seeing one pair of troopers on patrol that she'd hid from. She resisted the urge to run, instead walking casually. If any cameras picked her up, it would be less suspicious. Just an officer on a quick stroll.

The small hangar that held Ren's personal shuttle was completely deserted. It was much smaller than the huge hangars that held dozens of TIE fighters and troop transports, instead holding only a few shuttles used by officers when they were on official business or transferring between ships.

Rey froze in the pilot's seat as her blood turned to ice. She could feel Kylo's rage reverberating throughout the entire ship like a concussive blast. She nearly doubled over as she felt him tearing at the walls she'd built up in her mind. 

He knew she was gone.

Rey double timed it as she started the launch sequence, all thoughts of stealth gone as she tore through the magnetic field that separated the hangar from open space, probably activating a thousand alarms in the process.

I sure hope this thing has long range communications equipment on board.

She expected a string of TIE fighters to be right behind her, though none had yet deployed. She had the shuttle at full throttle but hadn't yet jumped to lightspeed as it made long distance connections more difficult. She also needed to find Kef Bir's coordinates so she could actually make the jump.

While the shuttle controls were simple, the communications equipment was not. As she fiddled trying to find the Resistance's hidden frequency a green light flickered indicating an incoming transmission. She accepted it reluctantly knowing that refusing would only make it worse.

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