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"Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream

Master of Puppets- Metallica

"Are you quite certain, Grand Admiral Denos?"

"Yes, General Hux. Allegiant General Pryde and I are certain. We both served the Empire, along with your father. We wondered why, after all these decades, had the Emperor chosen to reveal himself. What had changed? When we saw her earlier today, we knew. His heiress has come of age."

The two men stood in the throne room as they had earlier in the day. It was one of only a few completely secure areas of the ship, with no cameras or recorders. Despite the start of the construction of the new dais and throne it was completely deserted. The Supreme Leader and the Princess had left for Mustafar, it would not be used until their return.

Hux mulled this new information over in his mind. "Well, well Ren's been keeping secrets. This certainly changes things. The desert scavenger surprises us yet again."

The older man nodded in agreement. "It explains everything: how such a powerful Force sensitive managed to evade Snoke's radar for nearly 20 years, where that power comes from, the Force lightning in the desert, how she managed to defeat Snoke, why Ren was so obsessed with obtaining her."

"Ren was obsessed with the girl long before this information came to light, since Starkiller Base." Hux interrupted. "I also don't believe for a second that she killed Supreme Leader Snoke on her own. He helped. Still, this information could be put to good use."  Ren's obsession indeed.

"Tread carefully Hux. Angering Kylo Ren is one thing, angering Emperor Palpatine is another. He is capable of things Ren could never dream, a true master of the Dark Side." Denos warned.

Hux dismissed the warning. "Yes, yes that ancient sorcery. It failed him once, it will fail him again. The First Order will rise above all who stand in its way. We will seize the fleet and take control of the galaxy as is our destiny."

As was his destiny. He, not Ren should be the Supreme Leader. Ren had usurped his claim with the help of that Resistance whore. The last year would have been unbearable if not for Hux spinning his careful web of deceit. Overthrowing Ren would make taking the throne that much sweeter. This new development was a slight deviation, but one Hux was sure he could put to a creative use.

All of Hux's threads were in place, ready to ensnare his unsuspecting victims. He longed to lure them to their demise, but he had to wait just a little longer, until Ren, the Jedi, and the Emperor destroyed one another. He would emerge from the chaos and take up the mantle that should have been his all along.

Denos was careful to keep his expression neutral. This foolish child was messing with forces beyond his comprehension and it would be the end of him. He had known Hux since he was a boy and had thought to cull him years ago. Hux lived by his Master's grace, though not for much longer. His usefulness was wearing out quickly and Denos would take great satisfaction in this mongrel's sticky end.

Their Master had not told them about Rey, but they had known she was the Sith princess the second she entered the room. Only someone who had met Palpatine would see the resemblance. It wasn't a physical resemblance, though what the Emporer looked like before the Darkness had deteriorated his flesh was anyone's guess. Neither of them were Force sensitive, but they knew, in a general sense how it worked. It was a resemblance in the energy they gave off, their gaze, their Force. Their suspicions were confirmed when Ren named her his princess. He knew and now they knew.

He and Pryde had both been present at the Battle of Jakku as low level officers. They were incensed that the higher ups in the chain of command had chosen to surrender. They, along with a few others, including Brendol Hux retreated into the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim. They were determined to rebuild the Empire and were the only ones in the High Command, possibly in the First Order, that knew their Emperor lived.

It was the highest honor and they did everything they could to earn it. Though they were a bit hurt that their Master had not told them the identity of the girl, their wounds were assuaged by Palpatine himself. After the fateful introduction, Pryde and Denos made their way deep into the belly of the ship to contact their Master and report. The Emperor confirmed their suspicions and congratulated them on passing the test. Only the truly worthy would recognize Rey as his granddaughter.

Hux interrupted his thoughts. "Tell me Grand Admiral, do you know how Palpatine even came to have a granddaughter? Seems unlikely all things considered. My father was once close to the Emperor and never mentioned him having an heir."

"It was a little  known fact that the Emperor had sired several sons, though none of them lived long. Except one who was so ordinary that the Emperor allowed him to live, seeing him as being of little threat. We suspect it is through that son that the girl came to be." Denos answered. "The resemblance between the Emperor and the girl is striking."

"And the girl's parents, dead I presume?"

"We believe so, though we don't have confirmation. Ren ordered a thorough background check on her when she was brought to Starkiller Base that brought up very little. She was sold into indentured servitude at the age of three by a man and woman who claimed to be her parents. No formal records exist."

"You said the son was ordinary, isn't that unusual? Force sensitivity is genetic, isn't it?"

"I'm no expert on the Force General Hux, but that is normally the case. The Skywalker line being the quintessential example. However, there are exceptions to every rule. It has been known to skip a generation and come back all the stronger in the next or even die out completely. Conversely, a Force sensitive could spring from a previously normal family."

"Hmmmmm. Doesn't seem like much to go on, but is as good an explanation as any. These are strange times Grand Admiral." Hux mused.

They both turned to look at the dais. Each imagining a very different future occupant. Strange times indeed.

Thousands of parceps away, a sinister laugh cackled from a deep abyss. Everything was going according to plan.

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