Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to lifeBring me to life - Evanescence
The Council, plus two esteemed visitors, Mace Windu and Myim stood around the pool in the temple.
"She's learned all she can from me. The rest is up to her. Practice and experience are what she needs now, things she will get elsewhere." Myim addressed the group through her mask. She turned to Qui-Gon. "You were right about her. She is a special one."
"I agree. It's time for her to move on from the temple." Luke agreed.
"What about my nephew, Skywalker?" Mace asked.
"He's progressed well, but I can't teach him further, not what he wants to know. Rey can fill in the gaps in his knowledge while he develops." Luke responded.
"While important overall, his place is not in this fight." added Obi-Wan. "There'll be time for him after Sidious is defeated."
"That's not for you to decide." Mace responded coldly.
"Right he is, Master Windu." spoke Yoda. "Time there will be, after."
Mace didn't look happy, but declined to speak further.
"So we're decided then? To release them back to the rest of the galaxy to carry-on?" asked Qui-Gon.
"I think so. At least Rey. I've been keeping an eye on Ben. He doesn't look very well. I think being away from his Dyad is affecting him negatively. He's shown signs of regression." spoke Anakin.
"I have noticed Rey has not been herself as of late either. I agree, that the Dyad is the cause of it." Myim added.
"Dyad bonds are so rare, there is so much we don't know. But, if they're both suffering ill effects, it's best to let them return to one another." mused Obi-Wan.
"Then we all agree." confirmed Ahsoka.
Rey was practicing saberstaff stances on her own when Myim appeared. It was the first time the spirit had ever been late.
She motioned to Rey. "Come with me."
Apprehension hit Rey with clammy hands and a dry mouth. Had she done something wrong?
Myim led her into the temple proper and into the small room that Rey had been led to her first day at the temple. Myim folded herself into a sitting position on the floor which Rey followed, finding her face to face or rather mask to mask with the woman.
"You have learned all you can from me, Rey. It is time for you to return to the galaxy, to continue your fight against Sidious."
Rey's heart soared. "You mean, I'm done, with my training?"
"Your training will never be complete as it is a lifelong process. But your training with me, is complete."
Without looking, Myim floated another chest to Rey, similar to the one she had received her first day but more ornate.
"A parting gift."
Rey sat the chest down as she stood. "Myim, I can't thank you enough. This time here has been an honor. I know I can defeat Sidious now."
"The honor is mine Rey, to have a student with such potential to carry on my legacy. Now go, confront your fear and find your destiny. And remember, this place will always be here for you if ever you need it and so will I."
Rey turned, then paused, turning back to Myim.
"Yes, young Rey?"
"Umm, before I go, can I see your face, just once? I mean, if it's ok, I don't want to offend or anything...."

Confronting Fear
Fanfiction"When I offer you my hand again, you'll take it." What if Kylo Ren had been right? What if Rey had taken Kylo Ren's hand when he offered it the second time, deciding her best chance at defeating Palpatine and saving the galaxy was with him? But can...