And there's no destiny when everyone's your enemy
Take your jealous heart and cast it into stone
You'll regret it all
Living behind your wallBroken Hearts, Torn Up Letters - Lostprophets
Leia was preparing for the Fulcrum to take off from Dathomir in her office when her comm went off, indicating an incoming transmission from Rey. She allowed herself a sigh of relief. Rey's short message stating they had completed their mission had put her at ease but she was eager to hear more.
Holographic forms of Rey and Ben, alive and well materialized in front of her. "Hello Rey, Ben."
"Leia, so good to see you." Rey gushed making her smile. In true Ben fashion he said nothing. "How did everything on Dathomir go?"
"We're just getting ready to leave. We have all the information we came for." Leia responded, smirking at her son.
"Which is what, Mother?" Leia could practically feel the impatience rolling off of him.
So much like his father.
"As you suspected, General Hux was behind it. He exchanged First Order weapons and stormtroopers to operate them for the spider. We destroyed the walkers and are headed back to base now."
"That son-of-a-bitch....." Ben cursed the General in every way he knew how, including a few he could only have learned from Han.
So much like his father.
"How about you?" Leia asked. The pair seemed in unusually good moods for just coming back from one of the worst places in the galaxy. She stared in rapt fascination at the glowing red pyramid Rey held in front of the transmitter.
"We got it." Rey said simply. "It was awful." she continued with a shudder.
"Just one more piece left and then hopefully we'll have some idea of how to defeat Sidious for good." Ben growled, his fist clenched. It was clear whatever happened on Ambria affected them more than they were letting on.
"Do you know where it is?" Leia asked.
"Yes, Ach-To." Rey answered confidently.
Ach-To. Where Luke had hidden out for years.
"That's interesting." Leia answered.
"Something like that." Ben added, calmer than before.
"We should go, we're almost back to the ship." Rey spoke.
"Wait, before you go. There is something I want to talk to you about." Before Leia could elaborate, someone knocked at the door, bursting in before she could answer. It was Poe, Finn on his heels.
"General we're ready.....YOU!!!" Finn had noticed Ben's hologram.
"Yes. Me." a smug smile twisted Ben's lips. Like Han, he enjoyed getting under people's skin.
So much like his father.
"Finn, good to see you!" Rey exclaimed as though unaware that two men close to her would have been ripping each others' throats out had they physically been present in the same location.
"Good to see you too, Rey." Finn turned his attention to Rey, as though forgetting Ben was even there. This did not make Ben happy.
"Yes, so good to see you, FN-2187." contempt threaded through Ben's deep voice.
"Finn. His name is Finn." Poe interjected for the first time, his face a mask of darkness that betrayed a darker mood.
"Yes, it is." Rey agreed, continuing to ignore Ben. "Finn, how is your training going? Did you learn anything from the witches?"

Confronting Fear
Fanfiction"When I offer you my hand again, you'll take it." What if Kylo Ren had been right? What if Rey had taken Kylo Ren's hand when he offered it the second time, deciding her best chance at defeating Palpatine and saving the galaxy was with him? But can...