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Well I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you

Paralyzer- Finger 11

A/N This Version of Dathomir is based on how it is described in the Legends novels as opposed to the canon version.

The white blurr of stars suddenly ceased as Poe dropped the Falcon out of lightspeed, the beautiful blue and green planet before him not at all what he expected when Leia had told them they were going to Dathomir. He dropped the ship smoothly into the atmosphere, thick white clouds rushing past. He gazed in awe at the beautiful continent laid out in front of them. "Uh, no disrespect General, but are you sure this is Dathomir?"

"This is definitely Dathomir, Commander Dameron." Leia replied irritably, her tone surprising Poe.

"I didn't expect it to feel like this." Finn's voice pained.

Poe turned to look at the two humans strapped in behind him. Both had sweat on their brows, Finn looking like he was about to retch.

Leia patted Finn's hand. "You'll adjust soon. Where we're going it won't be so strong."

Poe looked at Chewy and Maz confusedly. "What's going on?"

Apparently neither the old pirate or fuzzball knew either, as both shrugged.

"This planet is strong with the Dark-Side." Leia explained. "It affects Force-sensitives, but it will get better the longer we're here."

"I hope so." Finn replied through labored breaths.

The cockpit remained quiet as Poe flew along the edge of the continent, just low enough to be able to make out some of the features of the land, including a herd of some large creatures he couldn't see well enough to identify. The planet was primitive and for once he wasn't worried about ground defenses. It wasn't long before Poe saw the mountain Leia had described on their way here, its white peak enveloped in clouds.

Poe circled the mountain three times before he finally found a clear enough patch on which to land on the northern side of the mountain.

Finn quickly gathered his gear, eager to get off the Falcon. As Leia had promised, the feeling had already begun to subside but he'd be far happier once his feet were on the ground.

Once his feet hit the soft green grass the feeling subsided immediately, leaving Finn to stare in wonder at it. Leia, standing next to him, chuckled.

"The earth here at the base of the mountain absorbs the Darkness, helping to ward off the sickness. It's why the Singing Mountain Clan settled here."

Finn checked his blaster and lightsaber at his side before pulling his satchel on to rest on his lower back, the metal case containing the crystals pressing against him.

Poe hopped down next to him as he finished securing the ship from the outside. "So, ah General, how do we find these Singing Witch people?"

"Singing Mountain Clan, Poe." Leia corrected with a roll of her eyes. "And don't worry, they'll find us. I'm sure they already know we're here.

Poe pulled the quadnocs out of his bag as he walked to the ladder allowing access to the top of the ship from the outside. "Let's see what we have around here."

Poe scanned the area, zeroing in on a dark mass two miles out. He squinted into the 'nocs, turning the dial to near max. What he saw nearly made him wish he hadn't. "OH, FUCK!" he shouted as he slid down the ladder. "Finn, Leia, Chewy, Maz we gotta get the fuck out of here!" He shouted as he sprinted back around the ship to the group, furiously typing into the control panel outside the ship to unlock it.

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