Chapter twenty-six

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Pip screeched loudly, hiding behind Parker who rolled his eyes.

"Bruh," the bloodied Blaziken growled as she facepalmed. "You were the one who wanted to go." She outed.

"Shut up, Soleil! I'm trying to seem cool and menacing!" The bloodied up fire type whined.

The Blaziken rolled her eyes with an amused face. "Whatever you say, buddo. You say this every time we meet someone new. We're villains no more. And if anything Cygnus had to bribe me because I wanted pizza." She commented.

"You always want pizza! Why can't you have something normal like Gummi bears?" The purple-blue Cinderace wonders.

"Tsk both of those food items aren't normal. Apples are what some Pokémon normally eat. In fact, Gummi bears? Really? How unhealthy are you?" An Ursaring asked.

"HEY!" Shouted Cygnus shutting everyone up. The Cinderace, Blaziken, a different Ursaring who was black, a Theivul, the regular colored Ursaring, and a strangely colored yellow Beartic all looked at Cygnus.

A blue Scorbunny gazed at his own paw, his green eyes squinting at his paw.

Pip didn't know why he was so engrossed in his paw.


The power of his voice was so much it knocked out the Theivul. Though the Theivul was the closest to him, so it's probably expected.

Though, this Thievul had a white tipped tail and seemed to be more red in color, parts of him were black like his mask and boot feet, but he didn't have black ears. They were red in color.

The Thievul had his paws covering his ears.

"Alright, I guess we can go." Pip remarked with nervousness in his voice. He did not want to be surrounded by creatures with big fangs and bloodied teeth.

It was settled. The team set off to Destiny Tower. They followed the same road that the villains did, except they did it nicely and Lapras let them on his back. They traveled all the way to the tower where Paarthurnax was standing with the rest of the squad.

Pip, his team, and the helpers arrived and approached Paarthurnax and the others.

Most of the Pokémon who were here were Pokémon he never interacted with, but he remembered interacting with a Treecko who was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently.

Another Pokémon was his mentor and friend, Eule, the Decidueye was staring at the top of the tower.

"You think some of us can fly up there, Paarthurnax?" He asked as he slowly read a book on Ancient Pokemon Towers.

"I'm not sure, Eule. It hasn't been too long since the last Pokémon—I believe it was an Infernape—tried to take down Arceus. It's something I myself would never do, but it's far more common than anyone thinks. Some Pokémon just give up before reaching the top and others just...die." The black Charizard informed, telling some backstory on when the god-like Pokémon's last attempted murder was.

"It sure has been, Paarthurnax. And with a couple of super strong rank S villains Arceus might not have a chance to survive." Eule remarked.

"We won't let that happen, Eule! They might be strong, but with the Starter Squad here we will make sure they won't!" Paarthurnax huffs, his paw curled into a fist as he brought it down.

"Of course!" Eule chirped simply.

Parker cleared his throat, unsure awkwardly of how to get their attention.

Paarthurnax turns around.

The rest of the squad follows.

"What the fuck?!" The Treecko, Churro, remarked in surprise. He jumped in the air, a foot lifted and he was leaning away.

"Churro language!" An Empoleon laughed.

"What?! It's not funny you piece of shit!" Churro responded, pissed.

"My name is Harley. Use it." The Empoleon snorted.

Paarthurnax cleared his throat, embarrassed.

Is this the embarrassed clearing throat squad or the Starter Squad? Pip wondered, almost wanting to laugh at the moment, but became serious just in time to hear Paarthurnax's words.

"Cygnus, uh, who are your friends? They seem a bit...uh...R rated."

That was the only way anyone could describe them really without insulting them. They looked spooky. Unlike Cygnus who only looked cute and adorable.

Plus Pip was sure the Cinderace was breathing on him the whole way there. It was pretty menacing.


"Fuck my ears." Churro whined.

"You have ears?" Eule asked.

Churro then realized he doesn't have ears.

"What?! No! Don't be stupid, asshole. I don't have ears and neither do you." He growled smart aleckly.

Pip noticed he was trying to act cool.

He sure didn't seem cool right now.

He sounded like a Whismur.

"Anyways, you're here just in time. We were just trying to figure out if we should try to fly up the tower instead of climbing up normally, but we don't know if there's a barrier preventing us from going up that way." Paarthurnax began.

"But I'm sure you knew that already." Eule added on.

A flap of loud wings could be heard. It sounded like a jet plane.

A Pokémon came flying at them at the speed of a plane.

A Skyarmory.

The male metallic bird landed with no problem despite his speed.

He gracefully landed on the ground.

"I bet you can!" He panted, catching his breath.

Okay what is this? Every known villain becoming good only because it's Arceus being targeting or...

Pip could definitely recognize that this was Bucky the Skyarmory who was known for escaping this crazy mean facility.

How'd he know? The exclamation of Reina seeing him was obvious. She seemed mad.

Pip wouldn't want to upset her that's all he knew. She was pretty tense and serious.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter, Officer Reina of the Pokémon Police. I say we give the flying up a try. Forget your grudges with this villain. It seems he's trying to be helpful for once in his life." Eule remarked.

"Hey!" Bucky exclaimed, insulted.

Paarthurnax took the floor.

"All of the starters who can fly, come with me, Eule, and Bucky. The rest who can't can go up the floors of Destiny Tower." Paarthurnax rumbles before a young female Pikachu around Churro's age piped up.

"What about if some of us go on the flying starters backs, sir?"

Pip recognized this as one of the more friendlier members of the squad, Lightning. She never treated him bad or really many Pokémon.

"Good idea, Lightning!" Paarthurnax roared.

They took action after that.

Reina was annoyed too.

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