Chapter six

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It has been a while since Pip found that room with Cygnus. No matter what Avalon the shiny Fennekin did to him, he couldn't help but smile.

He walked through the halls, earning nose wrenched faces wherever he went. Of course that all stopped the moment Eule approached him.

No Pokémon could understand why Eule liked Pip enough to stop to talk with him.

No one except Pip himself. He recognized this Decidueye. Though it has been a few years, and Eule has evolved himself. Even then, Pip recognizes him.

Who was he? He used to be one of the Rowlet choices that trainers had to make. Well, until he decided that the Squad was a better place than being a pet to a trainer.

Pip sighed. He still wasn't used to the Squad and the constant battles he was thrown in first.

He continued to walk and stopped momentarily in front of Eule.

" Hi!" Both pokemon said with a wave.

Well, the Decidueye waved with a wing, Pip just nodded.

" Good luck!" The Decidueye called to him as he past. " And to you too." Pip mumbled as he pulled on the strings of his new hoodie.

Of course the hoodie never went unnoticed by Avalon and every starter on the squad.

It seemed to attract their attention because he was always wearing it unless he went to sleep.

Judgmental fools. He thought as he walked through the halls, and two Raichu gave him an odd look. They just seemed confused.

Well, most of you. Pip pondered as he sat down at a table.

All the Pokémon went to the other tables. Typical. Leave the one with the fat nose alone and eat with your better friends. Pip thought with sarcasm in his venomous mind.

He saved his spot by putting his badges on the table. Luckily no one, not even Avalon dared touch his badges after the first incident with her flinging them in a nearby body of water.

Let's just say Eule punished her with Leaf Blade. It didn't hurt much since she was a fire type, but her fur was ruffled up.

He stood up to get his food. The 'mon in charge of the food glared at him. The Pokémon was always like that with everyone.

The Pokémon placed some kind of ridiculous food on his plate. Well, it was a Pokepuff. The way the server tossed it on the plate it might have well as been slope.

The rest of it was a free-for- all which included gummis, apples, chestnuts, and something called Pokebeans.

Pip went on the healthy side, only taking one gummi for himself. He picked up an apple as well, so he wouldn't be eating junk.

He was tired of being called fat as it is.

His paw put the tongs back where they were to begin. He then picked up his plate and went back to his table.

No one else was there. Was Cygnus really correct when he saw the potential in Pip?

Pip really seemed to be questioning the logic of the Teddiursa.

He sighed as he dramatically sat down. Snickering from nearby could be heard. It was Avalon.

Pip sometimes wondered why she even bothered. He knew she hated him. She didn't need to punch him, kick him, and thrash him until he got bruised.

" Enjoying sitting at that table with no friends?!" She cackled.

Pip turned to her.

" Of course I am. Better to be alone than surrounded by Pokémon who will just ignore me anyways." Pip responded as he picked up his apple.

Avalon approached him. " I don't know who you think you are, but you are not better than me. I am better than you!"

With those words she slapped away the apple that was in Pip's flipper.

Pip just growled. " Oh boo hoo! Like you even deserve to eat with that ugly face of yours!" She shouted.

Pip's ears found their way to the back of his head.

He shied away. Avalon laughed. Guess Pip was wrong about her bothering him during breakfast.

" You're pathetic! I can't believe you're even considered a starter! You're probably the weakest starter here! That's saying something since I know of a really weak Pokémon called Chikorita." Growled Avalon.

Pip's paw curled. He gritted his teeth in anger.

I want her to stop! I really need to stand up for myself, but I don't think that's a good idea. Pokemon night just assume I'm attacking her instead of the other way around.

Pip growled at her. " Look, just leave me alone. I didn't do anything to you." He said straightening up.

Avalon came closer, her muzzle touching him as a growl reached her throat.

" Yes you did. You exist." She told him as she turned around. Her tail brushed his face harshly before she went back to her seat and glared at him with hatred.

Pip sighed as he reached down to pick up his apple.

At this point it had dust on it; It had been on the ground.

He blew on it, using Water Gun to clean it of the dirt and dust it still had on it.

He licked his lips, and prepared to sink his teeth into the juicy fruit.

He paused mid bite when a Pokémon sat next to him. It was Eule. Of course it is. No one else will sit with him, so he guessed Eule will have to do. Eule will always have to do.

Pip finished his apple right quick. He started to work on his Pokepuff. He wasn't sure if eating will make him seem fat or what.

He was hungry, though. He finished his Pokepuff, and glanced over at Eule.

He had some strange paperwork with him. Since he was one of the best Pokémon in the squad, he sometimes handled the paperwork for new starter members.

I hope you don't let another one of those crazy starters in here. The kind that like to use this Squad for their own gain.

With that Pip glanced over to see who or what kind of Pokémon whose application Eule was checking through. It was apparently a Pokémon. A Pokémon by the name of Parker.

Authors note: This story is now going to be focused on, so I can finish it. Stick around to read the rest. It will be thirty or so chapters, and I hope you enjoyed this and all the chapters beforehand.

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