Chapter twenty-four

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What am I supposed to do in order to evolve? Pip wondered, pacing the room while Spout and Parker watched him curiously.

"We can't let those villains kill off Arceus!" Spout exclaimed.

That only made the young teen more nervous.

He spun around swiftly on his feet, facing Spout angrily. "I know! And we won't let them touch Arceus! I'm trying to figure out the best way to evolve here!" Pip exclaimed.

Spout leaned away from him. Hurt was in her eyes. "I'm sorry I made you nervous." She remarked, staring at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"So, does this mean we should all train to evolve?" Parker wonders.

"If I can evolve. This weird hoodie prevents me from evolving until I'm ready or something. I don't know what that means." He commented.

Parker put his paw on Pip's shoulder. "Either way, we must train and stop those villains once and for all. They've gone too far this time."

Pip nodded.

Parker was right. They had to train to fight these Pokémon no matter the cost, but training first would help them in their quest.

It seems they were finally reaching the end of their journey.

Or at least until a new one began.

"So, where should we go in order to train?" Spout wondered, breaking the slight silence that followed them.

"Wherever you go you must hurry. They're already in the dungeon." A voice barked gravely, but still somehow ridiculous.

"Who are you?" Parker asked, as the shadow of a Pokémon padded forward, the outline of an Umbreon began to appear.

A tongue lolled out of the mouth of the Umbreon-shaped Pokemon.

The shadow chuckled. "Of course you wouldn't know who I am. How's it going. Pip ol' pal? It's been forever, hasn't it?"

The Pokémon approached.

I knew it. Of course anyone with a brain would know who it is if they were even an acquaintance with him. And I happen to be sort of acquainted with him.

It was Eon. After a long time of not showing up he was here.

"Wait, what do you mean they're already in the dungeon, stranger?" Spout wondered, her eyes widening.

Eon sighed. "They didn't waste time. They literally stole some goods, tried and failed to get more than one recruit of villains to help destroy Arceus, and then headed out. They even threatened a water type in order to cross the ocean in order to get to Destiny Tower." He explained.

"So, basically while we've been lounging around waiting for more villains to defeat and jobs to do, these villains have been busy going around and asking villains for help?" Pip asked.

"Basically, we should get a move with the training on before they reach Arceus." Parker remarked.

"There's no time." Spout commented.

"No time to train? So what was Cygnus talking about with the training?" Pip wondered.

"I meant, you could train on the way up to saving Arceus. Destiny Tower composes of 99 levels where you could train to evolve. Fortunately the effects that it once had are gone since Arceus thought it was unfair to send a Pokemon up with nothing but their wits and determination."  Eon explained.

He then gritted his teeth with a sigh, continuing his explanation.

"But that's also a problem since it will be easier to get to Arceus than it was before."

"And that's bad." Parker commented.

"What are you guys waiting for? Most of the squad is already chasing after them." Cygnus said, popping up out of a vent from somewhere nearby.

"Okay, but why weren't we informed of this tragedy?" Spout asked.

"I suppose Paarthurnax didn't have time to ask everyone before going on his way. I suppose the strongest of water types must follow them and help them defeat those dastardly villains." Eon remarked.

"Either way, we must get going! Heh. It's a good thing we're all water types, or else we would have to get an innocent bystander's help." Parker commented.

"So, what are you two doing now that the world seems to be fighting the villains that want to destroy the world?" Spout asked them.

"Could you possibly come with us?" Pip asked the two, hopefully.

He figured two more additional Pokémon could help them in the long run. He just wanted some more friendly faces.

Plus the more Pokémon to help this cause of do or die the better. Helping Arceus was no easy feat.

Cygnus chuckled. "Unfortunately, I cannot help you in this mission. It is up to you alone to decide your fate." Be remarked, confusing the other Pokémon there.

Eon dipped his head in respect.

He then gazed up towards the sky.

"It is my destiny. I will save Arceus." He said, eyes glazed over.

"So are you coming with us, or are you going to continue to stare at the sun?" Parker wondered.

Eon glances back towards them with a nod of his head.

"I'm coming with you," he confirmed.

"Good luck, to you, fellow Pokémon. Go and save our world from the villains of this world." Cygnus said with, maneuvering his tie before disappearing.

"Okay, whoever that was is weird, and whoever this Umbreon is, is also weird." Parker remarked.

"I'm Eon." Eon introduced, putting on some scarf, maneuvering it a bit so it wasn't going in his face.

"Well, it's weird to meet you. Anyways, shall we get going?" Parker asked, pointing to the doors to the headquarters.

"I mean we won't have any time to gather any more Pokémon who want to help, but I guess—" Spout began before the doors to the squad headquarters opened.

All four Pokémon paused, stunned that there was anyone left in the town...or at least anyone outside within the ranks of the town.

"Who are you? Seriously, how many Pokémon are gonna come waltzing into these headquarters?" Parker wondered.

"Oh shut up you worthless lot. The sooner you get going with me, my friends, and whoever she is, the sooner we can defeat Pulse's student." A Mightyena commented.

"Okay I'm super confused. Who are you?" Spout wondered in confusion.

Eon gasped. "I know who they are!" He exclaimed.

Next to the Mightyena was a Stoutland, a Gengar, and a Nidorina.

"Then who are they?" Pip asked.

"They're help!" Eon cheered.

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