Chapter seventeen

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The Pokémon in front of them had long black claws and a sword in it's mouth.

What is this Pokémon? Why is he howling? Pip wondered as he squinted at the wolf Pokémon in front of them.

The Pokémon approached them quickly, maneuvering the sword in his mouth as he approached.

Instantly, Parker hid behind Pip. "Take him! He's got more meat on him!"

Pip groaned. Of course.

Why take the otter when you can take a fat sea lion?

The Pokémon's yellow eyes glinted with...amusement?

His blue-and-White fur rippled as he approached them, weird steel armor everywhere you could see.

Sort-of-hidden white marks lie all over his legs.

There was armor even on his ears.

His tail was big, and it seemed there was some sort of pink thing flowing near his neck.

He wore it like it was a strange cape. There were two on him.

Pip didn't notice, but another one—a more broader and stronger looking one—appeared right next to the other wolf.

Pip gazed at them both further.

The second one had a big steel shield beneath his jaw. His muscles rippled as he approached the two squad members.

The two Pokémon dipped their heads at the two Pokémon.

The Pokémon—who had a darker blue coloring than the lighter colored blue wolf—stumbled forward with a clumsy-and-wobbly step.

"Starters," the gold-and-red shield breasted wolf pokemon began as he shook his pelt, ridding it of the leaves that cling to him like the fur on his body.

Parker jumped at the sound. The wolf had a deeper voice than the other one.

Pip's ear flaps went up and down as if to symbolize he was listening and holding on to every word that the wolf Pokémon said.

"We have come in peace." The wolf with the sword said, but it sounded like a mumble.

"We've come to tell you something very important," the stronger of the two continued on with his tail twitching.

Something important? Pip wondered.

What could be so important that two strong-looking Pokémon come to them to tell—whatever it is.

"Well, what is it?" Pip asked the two Pokémon, pushing Parker to where the two could see him as well.

Parker glared at Pip. Pip glared back at him.

The two legendaries—or whatever they were—stood side by side as they glanced at each other.

The one with the sword sighed. The sword rattled within his mouth as he begun to speak.

"First of all, you're Pip and Parker right?" The one with the heavier body armor asked the two.

"In the flesh." Parker clichely responded.

"No, this is the Fairy type Gym leader Opal." Pip sarcastically said.

The two wolves seemingly ignored his remark as they went on with their talk with the two.

The two sighed at the same time, glancing between each other to see which of them should be the one to tell the teens the news.

After a bit of snarling and almost-biting, the two ultimately decided to let the sword holding wolf tell the whole tale.

"We have come here to this eerily creepy forest to tell you that the Pokémon you are seeking is more dangerous than you could ever imagine, and that we will aid you in this quest. Your friend...well...we don't know all the details is about to enter counter that dangerous Pokémon, and well...we're not sure if you can do it on your own."

"What?!" Both water starter exclaimed.

They sound crazy. But...why do these Pokémon sound oddly like a Pokémon I know? Are they...mystical? Pip wondered.

The shield wolf stepped forward.

"I know this is...insane news to hear from total strangers, but...this news it is extremely true and important." He woofs.

"What you isn't true. I don't believe believe you! You're both crazy! There's no need to come with us because we've got this. You might be bigger and stronger looking too, but we-I am stronger than you may think." Parker growls.

The sword holding Pokémon shook his head. "We don't mean to insult you. We're just...looking out for you."

"Two total strangers?! No way! We didn't know about you until today! No way!"

The words of Parker went unheard in Pip's ears. His eyes widened.

Those words they spoke. They were so similar to the one who helped him escape.

They sounded like...Eon.

He walked closer to the two Pokémon.

"H-how do you know this? Where did you learn of this?" Pip asked them.

Parker scoffed at him. "You don't believe those liars do you, Pip?" He asked him.

Pip glared at Parker.

Even if it was a twisted lie. Pip still thought having two strong Pokémon to help them with bear of a nightmare would be a good idea.

"I think...we should give them a shot. After all they might be right." Pip said.

His gut told him this was the right thing to do.

"Are you stupid?! They could be doing this to zero in on us because-" Parker began before he glanced at the two, yellow eyes and yellow-red eyes curiously glancing at the two of them.

"Could you two excuse us," Parker said as he pulled Pip off to the side.

"They might be trying to help us so they can kill us! Are you stupid!" Parker whispered.

"But...they might be telling the truth." Pip said.

"You believe them? Ugh! You're even more annoying when we can't agree!" Parker snarled as he shook Pip with his paws.

Pip groaned. "Fine then. I'll go by myself."

Parker grumbled something underneath his breath that Pip couldn't hear.

He was glad he didn't. He might have heard something he didn't like.

"Come along, then." Pip tells him, starting to hobble through the forest again with the two sword and shield wolves following behind him.

An angry Parker trailed behind them all with his arms folded.

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