Chapter twenty-two

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Pip's footsteps echoed through a forest.

He sighed.

I don't need a therapist. He thought with aggression.

His flippers smashed in the ground as he ran.

He didn't know why he would need a therapist.

No therapist could ever help him, or make him stronger.

He trudged on, staring at the ground.

He would think he would be over something so stupid, but the Starter Squad would never see him as one of them. He was sure of it.

He could hear paw steps behind him.

Of course they won't leave me alone. He thought as he turned around, and was met with not of his partners, but a lone Sandslash.

Usually the two would fight for Tudi had killed his trainer, and he had killed his master.

But now, the two stared at each other like they both made a mistake that bonded them together.

"What are you doing here, kid?" The Sandslash asked.

Pip would have scoffed at the comment, but he supposed it was true. It wasn't like Tudi wasn't a kid himself. He was older than him. Just barely though.

"It's none of your business, villain." He snarled, rubbing his nose with a flipper.

Tudi shrugged. "Maybe not, but I'm sure it would be a shame if you were to 'disappear' out here." The Sandslash hinted with a growl.

"Maybe it would be for the best," Pip sighed.

Tudi growled lowly.

"Maybe? So you're not even going to stop me from doing anything? I thought you were supposed to be a member of the starter squad. Guess you're more a member of the Crying Squad instead." Tudi growled.

With that the Sandslash whipped around, stomping away with anger.

What's up with him?

Pip shrugged as he found his flippers trailing a tree.

There was an apple in between the leaves.

He continued to stare at the Apple as it rustled with the flow of the wind. If only I could be more like the Apple, but I'm not. He pondered with a wisp of breath coming out of his mouth.

He sat down at the stump of the tree, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm down.

Soft wind brushed against his face as he moved to get comfortable.

"Hello!" A cheery voice exclaimed.

For a second, Pip thought the voice might have been the long awaited friend of his, Eon, but it wasn't.

Pip took one glance at the older Oshawott. He folded his arms. He didn't want to speak to anyone. Why would they just send him out of all the Pokémon they could have sent?

"Humph!" He exclaimed in fake hatred, shutting his eyes as he looked away.


Pip's eyes opened back up as he heard the sound of Parker sitting down right next to him.

Arrogant little bastard, he thought with a furious growl.

The two didn't say anything for a while, just sat there.

Though, Pip didn't know if he enjoyed his partner's company.

Finally, Parker began to speak.

"Why?" He began.

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