Chapter nineteen

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Why was he even alive at this point?

Avalon would just continue to hurt him. It seemed as if no one in the squad besides a selected few—they felt bad for him—would miss him.

Maybe it was time to just...kill himself?

Pip didn't know. The sadness would always increase on him and there seemed to be no end to the endless pain.

Him and Parker just continued to have fights. He had no idea why that hurt him so much.

Parker and everyone else would be better without me. He thought as he took off the purple hoodie.

The scars that were covered by it were covered no more.

Cold air brushed against the marks.

His eyes turned to the ground.

He finally had it.

He would do it.

He sighed with deep grief. He truly had no one now.

His mother was dead. His father was dead. Who knew where his sister was?

She was probably smooshing somewhere with all the riches or something.

Everyone hated him. Most did.

The most villain of villains felt bad for him, and worst of all...he was sure Eule didn't want to be around him or his friends anymore.

He was stuck up in taking care of this stupid Mismagius.

Nobody would notice if he was gone. He was sure of it!

He took a step.

No one would notice.

Another one.

Why'd the squad have a cliff right next to it? It was kind of strange, yet it pulled him closer and closer to it like a magnet.

One more step towards it.

Pip stood near the edge of the cliff.

He stared down at the ravine below.

Jagged rocks were located down below.

He could end it all. Have one last adventure by jumping down.

Just end it all. Like Avalon wanted. Like he wanted.

It's been a while. A couple months. Maybe a year or two.

Pip couldn't keep track. It was all days where he could be dead by now.

Rocks skittered as he lifted his flipper to kick them down. They fell down, immediately shattering when reaching the bottom.

He stared at the bottom some more, hearing something close by. He didn't actually listen.

He couldn't hear anything but the cliff that called out to him.

If he jumped, it could all be over.

If he jumped, no more pain.

If he jumped, no more burdens.

He could keep others from being burdened by him.

He could do it.

He had the guts to.

He placed his flipper over the edge.


He was tackled on his side.

He let out a yelp. Tears started to pour down his face.

Why'd you stop me? He whined in his head as he turned it to gaze at the Pokémon who stopped him from saving everyone else from this burden. This huge burden.

It wasn't who he wanted to see.

He shoved Spout away from him. He couldn't look her in the eyes.

A crowd.

Not what he wanted to see either.

Leave me alone. Leave me alone to die on my own. He pondered, wiping his nose with a flipper.

"What's going on?" A stern voice asked as the shiny Charizard made his way through the crowd by folding out his wings.

The shiny Charizard approached.

What was even worse was Avalon showed up.

She had evolved sometime within those months.

Or who knows. Pip stopped keeping track of her looks, only her fur was the way he identified her. It was gray like an upcoming storm.

The shiny Braixen walked over. "What's the buz..." she inquired, trailing off when she saw him.

Her question turned into a full on mocking laugh.

"Oohhhh poor little Popplio. Finally realize you're a burden to the world?"

Pip looked away from her.

She just continued to laugh, snorting at him.

"Avalon! That's enough!" An angered voice said.

Oh no! Pip thought. He wanted him to show up, but not like this.

Parker pushes through every Starter in his way. He stopped when he was face to face with Pip, barely any space between them.

It was getting on Pip's nerves.

Pip didn't even look him in the eyes. He refused to. He would be just fine without him.

He hated him. And Pip hated him right back. There was no need for the anger and worry on his face.

Parker turned to Avalon.

"We don't treat suicide attempts with laughter. Do you find it funny to jump off that cliff? Why don't you jump off it to see how bad it hurts?" Parker growled.


Avalon didn't say anything.

"And why in the name of sweet Arceus would you try to do this?! To Spout?! To me?! To the freaking Starter Squad?!!"

The anger was clear on his face.

"Why do you care?" Pip mumbled, looking back at the cliff.

He took a step back towards the cliff.

He frowned.

Parker grabbed him by his flippers, pulling him back towards him.

His body collided with Parker's, making him yelp in surprise.

"Because no one deserves to die no matter how ugly they are or how many scars are on their bodies. There's a ton of reasons not to die." Parker said seriously, avoiding Pip's eye contact.

His gaze was off in the distance.

"Like what? Stupid pity that I don't deserve?" He snapped as he pulled himself away from the otter Pokémon.

Avalon snickered.

"That's right you don't deserve anything!" She barked as she poked him in the stomach with her stick.

"You're an ugly Pokémon! Parker shouldn't be hanging around such a pitiful Pokémon such as yourself. I am the greatest starter here. I have the best shiny form." She barked, jabbing the stick even further into him.

His scars were irritated by the stick.

"Here," she said as she stepped closer towards him.

"I'll give you a paw if you really don't want to burden these nice Pokémon. They have no time for such a wallowing pokemon such as yourself." She growled with a smirk.

She pushed him off the cliff.

The wind rushed towards his face.

Authors note: I'm sorry if it was hard to read this. It was hard for me to write it without crying.

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