Chapter twenty-one

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The way Paarthurnax sounded...well let's just say everyone there thought he would fire her.

I like the sound of that. Pip thought with practically an evil smirk on his face.


He didn't move after that, the shiny Charizard glaring down the shiny Braixen.

One thing was for certain: she was in big doodoo now!

Paarthurnax was gazing at the young Braixen with a disappointed look.

Avalon's eyes widened.

"You pushed him. You pushed him. We were about to convince him, and you just pushed him!" A growl arose in Eule's throat as he jabbed Avalon with a wing.

A curled paw was put against Eule's chest.

Probably to prevent him from murdering Avalon.

"Let me handle this, Eule."  Paarthurnax growled lowly.

Eule nodded silently, anger still clearly on his face as he walked backwards.

Avalon took a huge gulp of air as Pip stared blankly.

Paarthurnax stared off in the distance.

"You don't push your co-workers. It's hard enough to find such good Pokémon like Pip who are willing to risk their lives."

Paarthurnax took a moment to compose himself like he was some president of a school or something.

He took a deep breath.

"Unfortunately I can't let this slide. I won't fire you." Paarthurnax told her.

The words seemed to ring in Pip's ears, and his heart fell. It was probably more than just his heart that fell at this point.

Most Pokémon there either seemed relieved she was given a second chance or really, really, really, really, really disappointed that she wasn't fired right on the spot.

Pip supposed that most of the Pokémon here had done something awful at one point or another, but he wasn't sure.

"Y-you won't?" Avalon asked.

She gave a sinister smirk that only Pip and a few other Pokémon saw.

How'd he know they saw? They shuddered in fright, and he didn't blame them for it.

Avalon was a scary fox.

He swore he could see some evil fox blood in her.

Is she related to a villain or am I just being crazy for no good reason? Pip wondered.

Paarthurnax shook his head, but there was...what was that? Was that a...he's cruelly smiling. Like he's forming some sort of plan in his head. Oh dear Arceus what is he thinking?

No matter how many times Pip tried to rid himself of the image, it always stuck around.

Was...was Paarthurnax....was he planning her death? Why were his eyes that....cruel?

He wouldn't do that would he?

Pip shook his head, convincing himself he was just seeing things that weren't there.

Paarthurnax opened his jaw to speak, "But," he began.

Pip and everyone else leaned over in anticipation.

"You must clean the bathrooms for a whole year."

What? Was that really why he had that evil look on his face? Or was pip just dumb. Yeah. He probably was dumb.

An arm wrapped around Pip, making him jump.

His face looked pathetic right now.

No wonder why Avalon hates me. Why everyone else must hate me or feel bad for me.

Pip shook his head.

He should really get rid of those thoughts.

"What?! Bathrooms are gross!" She barked, swiftly swinging her tongue back and forth in disgust.

"Better get a move on, then. Those bathrooms won't clean themselves." Paarthurnax huffed.

Avalon groaned as she stomped back into the HQ.

As soon as Paarthurnax turned Pip shivered. How would he react?

He knew Parker didn't approve. And Spout wasn't really saying anything which was just slightly concerning, but Pip assumed she just never seen someone so unhappy over themselves.

But Pip could never tell what was up with Paarthurnax.

Paarthurnax folded his arms.

Was it opposite day? Was he going to get fired for being so...pathetic?

Paarthurnax leaned forward, bending down to be on a knee.

He laid a paw on Pip's shoulder.

Confusion lit Pip's face as he searched Paarthurnax for an answer. He couldn't find one. His gaze was...unreadable.

Within a few seconds the shiny Charizard began to speak, smoke coming out of his nose in slight worry and anger.

Was he mad that he almost lost Pip? Or was he mad that Pip wasted his time?

"Look kid," Paarthurnax began as his gaze went back towards Eule, who's gaze practically begged Paarthurnax to be gentle.

Paarthurnax swiveled his eyes back towards Pip.

Paarthurnax took a deep breath, obviously trying to think on how to put his words together to not upset Pip.

"I think it would be best," Paarthurnax began as he took a deep breath. "If you got a therapist."

Pip almost screamed when he heard that.

What?! I don't want to get one of those! I'll just be a waste of time! Ugh!

"No." Pip said, shaking almost immediately after his thoughts went wild like they did.

It was like Pip had been slapped by a Judgement attack.

He shook his head with vigor.

"Look Pip. You're the right state of mind. I really think you need a therapist, or to your team mates next time instead of pulling crap on us all! You scared the dickens out of all of us!" Paarthurnax tried to explain.

"Dickens? What Pokémon uses that stupid word?" A starter squad member wondered, earning a glare from Eule.

That shut up every other squad member, and most rushed to get inside.

Probably to evade the harsh glances of Eule and to go back to work.

Apparently they thought the problem was solved.

Parker and Spout stayed behind as did Eule.

Pip wanted to shrink. He just wished he was dead so he didn't have to face them.

He just didn't think he could handle them at this moment.

"You expect me to talk to someone about this?! I can't! Don't you know I'm more fragile than you think?! I don't want to talk to anyone! I don't need anyone!" Pip shouted.

With those words he then ran off into the distance, still thinking about how much of a disappointment he was.

Authors note: What happens when you watch Markiplier? You find a funny word that makes you both laugh so you decide to use it in a chapter of your story no matter how stupid your story is.

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