Chapter ten

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Within seconds of him curling up he fell asleep inside the cave. The wound he had...that was all that can be used to explain how he managed to find sleep so swiftly.

When he woke up, he found the red eyes of a demon staring at him.

He yelped. His head banged against the ceiling. His breath caught inside his throat as the loud roar of a Pokémon rang out inside the cave.

Pip pressed his paws against his ears, awaiting the paw swipe of death that never came.

Pip closed his eyes, yet still nothing. Why wasn't this mysterious Pokémon attacking him?

His chest heaved with fright. He wasn't supposed to be scared, and yet he felt so scared that it should be unnatural to feel such horror in this situation or any situation at all.

His whisker twitched as he opened one eye. What was this killer's game?

Rank breath was on his cheek. " Hah! This Pokémon is going to be the one?! I'll believe when I see it! There's no way this Torchic can be one of the prophecized!" The pokemon breathes, his scent stinking of blood.

But this scent of blood didn't smell like any other blood.

Pip opened one of his eyes to look. There were no red eyes. Just blue. A calm and assuring blue. That didn't calm Pip down. It only raised questions in his mind.

Why were his eyes red before they turned back to blue? What is this Pokémon? I...I feel like I should know him, but I can't recall who or what he is at the top of my memory. All I know is that his blue eyes are a trick. He must be a scourge to the Pokémon world if he has red eyes that turn to blue. That or I'm going crazy. Pip thought deeply to himself.

The Popplio had no idea what this could mean. He was freaking out on the inside and on the outside. He was sweating. It felt unnatural to sweat like he was since he was a Popplio.

The blood scent was becoming stronger, as if the Pokémon in front of him was planning something big.

" Hate," the blue-eyed pokemon practically purred at him.

Pip leaned backwards, not looking forward to whatever else the monster had to say. The Pokémon's posture seemed a little unlike a villain, but Pip knew it in his guts that this Pokémon was evil. He just knew!

Hate? What does that stupid word have to do with...oh. It's because everyone hates me, right?

" It makes the world go round. It makes villains even out of the best Pokémon. It can change any and all Pokémon's lives. I live for hate. I live for fear. This world needs more hate. You...YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! YOU DESERVE DEATH! Fear should be in your veins, and yet you're still alive. Why is that? I don't see much fighting. I see too much suffering, so why do you let hate rule over your life?" The pokemon questioned him.

The suddenness of the evil Pokémon surprised him deeply, making him lean backwards, only one paw on the ground.

" If you want real freedom Death is what you should live for. Kill yourself before you hurt yourself worse, Pip. I've been watching you, and ever Squad member. I know how truly unhappy you are. I know you don't wish to be a villain, to be evil. So that's why I'm giving you this option. Leave this world before this world leaves you. It probably already has." The strange Pokémon raged.

Pip started shaking in fear. Will Pokémon leave him? Will Eule leave him at some point? Will Paarthurnax?

" I can already see the future. What hope does a starter like you have, when even Ghosts will be brutally murdered for who they are?" The pokemon asked him smoothly.

It was like he was some kind of sweet talker, but not really like one at the exact same time. The Pokémon was a curious Pokémon that's for sure.

And I'm sure this Pokémon is a legend of some sort, but I'm not sure which he is. Is he perhaps Zekrom? No! Zekrom has red eyes, but this Pokémon is black with blue eyes. I just wish I could figure it out. I need to warn the squad about this guy. He seems crazy, and he feels like he's going to destroy an important Pokémon someday.

The Pokémon leaned even closer to him to whisper in his ears.

" Heck, no Pokémon like my type is thought of as a good guy, unless you count that one stupid Umbreon, but other than that everyone hates my type. They will learn to hate each and every type they hate even more, and then eventually I'll get rid of whoever gets in my way!" The Pokemon hissed.

He gave Pip a clue about who he was. He was obviously a dark type.

And he was obvious insane despite somehow keeping his cool at some point. Not to mention he has blue eyes. Some villains are usually portrayed as ghosts or as having red eyes, or maybe there's a surprise every once in a while.

Pip shivered viciously. " I guess I proved my point." The dark shape growled as Pip whined.

He sprang up into the air, his head banging against the roof.

Again? Pip asked himself, but then he realized there was no evil creature in front of him.

Was this all a dream? It felt real. I...I still think that was as real as a real enter-counter.

He rubbed his head, feeling prickly pain from his side. He groaned from the pain. He was not looking forward to getting back to the Squad today.

Avalon won't let this go. Maybe that dark creature is right. Maybe I should...relieve the world of a Pokémon like myself. It's not like Eule will pay attention to me much longer. He must have found a girlfriend by now. And Paarthurnax has a wife. And a child by now. Surely he would rather help them than some reject like me.

This sure gets me thinking...he began to ponder as he stood on his flipper paws, beginning to limp out of the shelter he had luckily not taken by accident.

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