Chapter five

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He just if he was still there. He was not. The hood was starting to warm up to him. What sort of powers could this hoodie provide me? The hoodie felt like an ordinary hoodie.

It did make him feel like he was a loved Decidueye though. Whatever magical powers it had was obvious that now wasn't the time to figure out what.

He had to escape this room. He must figure out a way out of this room. Cygnus didn't exactly explain to him how to get out of the current room. All he told him was magic and stuff about being special.

He smiled. At least he thought he was destined for something unlike that bully of his. She seemed to think he was road kill, or was meant to be road kill anyways.

Life was so much better when I had a trainer, he convinced himself. He pulled on the strings of the hoodie. The hoodie closed up around his face. At least with this hoodie on I won't have to show my hideous face to the other starters.

The water-type quickly searched around the room. Other than the ventilation area there seemed to be no visible door in sight.

Pip sighed in frustration. " And I'm stuck," he grunted as he searched through the boxes for a way to hint at where he could exit the secret room from. If that shiny Fennekin saw him now she would be making fun of him, laughing her bushy tail off from the humorous-and-ridiculous situation he got himself in.

Pip honestly didn't want to be stuck in that room forever. He would die from dehydration before ever getting out. He pounded his flippers against the wall. Nothing. Should have suspected that. If I'm so special then I could have found a way out by now.

Disappoint was lit all over the little seal's face. He ransacked the place, continuing to search for a way out. " Nothing useful to me, nothing even really that good to me." Pip commented.

Eventually he gave up. " Maybe I wasn't meant to survive in a world like this. Cygnus was wrong. He seemed really...interesting, but I don't think he has that sort of power. What kind of Pokémon would ever have that sort of power? The power to tell of the future? No one that's a Teddiursa could have that much power could they?" Pip wondered.

He couldn't help but wonder all that because it was hard to believe that anyone, even someone with that unnatural pattern of fur could ever be right about him or the hoodie he was now wearing.

Pip's nose wiggled as he pressed his paw against the wall. " I'm never getting out of here." He groaned as his flipper paw pressed against a weird part of the wall. Was there a secret door here?

" Of course!" He exclaimed in realization. He had pressed his flipper against an oddity in the wall. There was no clear sign of any door, but he could feel a...slight hole. A slight f there was sign that the door was invisible.

Pip sighed in relief. There was in fact a way to get out of the strange room now! He felt around the strange door, finding a handle. The handle was one that you could flip down, and then it would open up.

He pressed down with his flipper, then opened the door when he pulled with such a force. He gasped out in his panic. He was finally out of that place. He must have been there for at least two hours.

Pip trudged around. Was she still there? Was she going to find him? Did he have time to hide? Why was she like this around him? What was she afraid of? What did he have that that stupid shiny didn't?!

Fear coursed through his veins. It was always there no matter if he was facing an enemy or an ally. Pip couldn't believe that most of the starters here hated him. He didn't even do anything to them for the most part. All he ever was have his looks. Guess that's where all the Pokémon looked: at his face.

Pip pressed himself against the wall, remembering to close the secret door so no one else could get in without trial, or at least without going through the vent.

A flash of gray-black. The breath caught in Pip's throat. Not now! Please not now! But it wasn't who he expected. Instead of a fluffy gray-red fox it was the big 'mon himself: Paarthurnax.

" What are you doing here, Pip?" Paarthurnax wonders as he is eyes averted to the purple hoodie he had on. His arms folded up, muscles rippling. " This part of the Starter Squad doesn't have much." Paarthurnax commented, something hidden within his own eyes.

Was it the knowledge of this secret Pokémon that not even humans knew about? It was clear the little guy could do things that even the most knowledgeable Pokémon wouldn't know of. Is Paarthurnax keeping something from most of the Squad? Or do most of them not speak of Cygnus for specific reasons?

" It has this hoodie. I saw him. The little magical bear. Why are you keeping him hidden?" Pip wonders as he gazed up at the staring dragon. The shiny Charizard seemed to smile warmly at him. At least one shiny starter Pokémon liked him.

" It's because he only wants Pokémon like you, Pip. Eule was the one who found him. It seems he's taken a shine to you as well. That special Pokémon is...a gift from a Pokémon who can't be here to help us. He told us he would send us several others. We managed to find one, but we have no idea where or what the others are. Maybe we will find them. Maybe not. Wherever they are it's clear they're here to help us out and to fulfill a purpose. We still don't know what that purpose is." Paarthurnax commented.

Pip nodded in understanding. He didn't get it much, but he knew that if even Paarthurnax was convinced this guy was special, then maybe he was right about him. That thought made him smile.

Authors note: unfortunately I can't give you hints about another story. It's based on Cygnus and several other oddly colored Pokémon. This chapter was made for my friend, Cookiez188. Enjoy buddy. Also...I allowed two for them because they gave me two, and I didn't want to pick cause I'm lazy. Anyways see ya in chapter six. Or six in French. No joke that's how you say it. Sorry for being lazy and not updating this.

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