Chapter eight

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After Pip avoided the fiery sea, he spun around.

I must fight them! I can't let them get away! They're a threat to the good in this world! Whatever's left of it anyways.

Pip panted furiously as he barely dodged a Metal Claw brought upon by the Sandslash himself.

The seal sprung into the air and twisted his head around to use Bubble.

Annoyed, Tudi popped the bubble attack with a claw. He sighed as if the attack was the worst attack ever.

" I see you haven't gained skill since seeing you last, Runt. You will be an easy kill for us." Tudi growled as he swiped another Metal Claw his way.

Pip swiftly brought his neck out of reach. Unfortunately the murderer was still able to manage a blow across his side.

The blubbery skin tore away, and he cried out in pain.

Just another reason to use the stupid hoodie. He pondered as the hoodie was ripped away from his body. He was lucky it didn't have a break in it, but now the vile creature had the hoodie in his paws.

" What is this?" He asked him with a scoff. It was like the hoodie was an opening in the Popplio's heart.

" Give That Back!" Pip cries out, bending his knees. He pushed off the ground, grasping the hoodie slightly before being knocked down by the shrew.

He yelped, body skidding on the dusty ground.

He groaned. He just showered, and now he got all dusty.

But that wasn't what was important right now. He had to defeat these guys, or else he would be brutally slaughtered by them.

He charged at them with an Aqua Jet, knocking the hoodie out of Tudi's grip. He caught his previously new hoodie and pulled it over himself once more.

There was just something about the hoodie that called to him. He felt as if he would become super powerful if he uses the hoodie.

The male swiftly slapped his tail to the ground, bringing himself upward so he could use Water Gun.

I wish I had a bit more advanced moves. Pip thought as his move only sprayed the Ninetales.

Pip then remembered that her name was Tisa.

Whoever she was, she was awfully loyal to the Sandslash. Pip didn't know how he got a sidekick this fast.

She growled viciously, showing super shiny fangs and scary saliva. She snapped her gnashers at him.

He barely dodged whatever the attack was, and smacked her with an Aqua Tail.

She screeched and tottered away from him, holding her face with a paw. Her mouth rippled as she growled.

" You will pay for that, ugly." She howled with a vicious sounding voice as she started bounding for him, going many feet at a time.

She was gaining on him with such speed. How was he going to get out of this one?

Quickly, without a moment of hesitation, he protects himself by using his swiftest move: Disarming voice. His voice knocked the fox Pokémon backwards and into a tree.

She yelped with pain. " You are under arrest! Put your paws in the air!" Pip cried out, but got scoffed at, and got knocked over by Tudi.

He was lucky that his claws didn't catch, or else he would have a bigger wound than what he already has.

His blood was pouring out from his wound. He supposed he would have to find a way to cover it up.

He would have to do that after he fought these two.

Why did he go head first into this situation?

Why couldn't he just accept that Tudi didn't want to fight?

Why didn't he just accept that he's a worthless and shit and quit the Squad already?

He rapidly took in several breaths, winded from the attack.

A sad look overcame his features.

I can't even defend myself. I am pathetic.

Tudi snorted. " You can't even put up a fight. Well, guess it's just one less starter to deal with."

Tudi lifted three claws over him.

This is it. He thought. This is how I die. Pip shut his eyes, waiting for the killing blow.

Is this it? Is this it for him?

Is this seriously how I want to die? Do I want to die?

With that thought, he shivered with realization. As much as he wanted to die...he didn't wish to die now. Especially not to his trainer's killer.

He wanted to at least bring her to peace by capturing this guy, and putting him behind bars.

He opened his eyes just in time to see Tudi start to swipe his claws down at him. I won't let myself get killed! Not by this jerk!

With that he blew some bubbles.

The bubbles managed to captured Tudi and start taking him up into the sky.

Tudi started yelling in rage.

Pip giggled. He thought it was funny that for once the villain got cursed. Or maybe it was fit to say once again.

Tudi started yelling stuff.

" What?" Pip asked, not being able to hear. Pip supposed that Tisa couldn't hear the outlaw either as she said the same exact thing.

" Well, there goes your partner. What you going to do now?" Pip asked her, pointing to where Tudi was apparently flying off at.

Tisa gave once glance at him and then dashed off.

Well, she was more of a coward than I thought, Pip thought.

Well, at least he was free.

He took one step, and yelped. Oh yeah, right the wound. I'm surprised I haven't lost all feeling in my body Ayer all these beatings.

Pip flinched as he pressed his flipper against the wound. No one else was there with him, so he had to do the work himself.

He put his hoodie around his body, covering the wound as much as he could.

He gritted his teeth in pain.

He would need to go to the medical room...again.

He started to walk through the forest with a sigh. When will there be a day where he won't have any more scars?

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