Chapter thirty

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Pip almost gasped before realizing this was a villain. Why would it be so surprising coming from any villain?

"I will make you give it back!" He shouted, quickly going into a frenzy of Moonblasts and Sparkling Arias.

Flygon smoothly dodges the Moonblasts, but gets hit with every single Sparkling Aria.

If she was aiming for being super swag then she should try harder.

Flygon used Air Slash.

Pip tried to avoid being flinched, but he couldn't help it as he hit the broken wall once more.

It was like clockwork at this point.

Pip steeled himself.

She had his bag. She had a lot to use against him.

How was he supposed to get his bag back?

"What's happening down here? I heard some very painful noises." A voice wonders,

Two heads peek down, and the two Grookey from earlier ran down.

"What?! You had back up?!" Flygon asks, eyes widening in shock.

Was it really so hard to imagine a Pokémon having backup?

She seemed shocked to an extreme. She didn't seem shocked by the idea of backup.

Maybe it's the idea of Popplio, Brionne, and Primarina getting help?

Pip shook his head. His eyes shone with a new sense of zeal. The Grookey coming to aid him with this dastardly Flygon gave him a pleasant feeling of alleviation.

Or he assumed they were here to assist him with this strangely strong Pokemon.

Flygon pulled his bag closer to her body.

"No matter!" She snarled. "None of you can keep up to my skill."

Both of the Grookey rolled their eyes.

"Hmm, perhaps not." The male Grookey confirmed.

The female continued from where he was.

"But, we've got an ultimate weapon. Something you don't have. You might be skilled, but we can boost our powers."

With that, the female used Razor Leaf, which crit the Flygon into the wall.

Flygon gasped, trying to breathe.

Razor Leaf cut off her breath and ensured a difficulty to breath. It was like she suddenly consumed smoke and harmful gases.

"What?! What's going on?! How are you doing that?" She wonders with wide eyes, fear filling her eyes as she tried to crawl away.

Cuts from the Razor Leaf were peppered all over her body.

The Grookey just glanced at each other, and snickered.

They knew something Pip and Flygon failed to know.

Flygon rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Keep your stupid and annoying secrets. No matter how many times you hit me I will always be able to—" Flygon began monologuing—it was a very bad choice. This monologue allowed the two Grookey to team together, using Razor Leaf from the female and a bothersome Growth from the male.

Whatever the male was setting up Pip was all about.

This made him super happy to be enlisting both the Grookey fight to help him.

A smile found it's way upon his face, his serious facade fading away as satisfaction replaced it.

The Flygon was getting what she deserved.

She outmatched him, and these two skilled Grookey outmatched her. Pip could tell.

Pip was sure even one of them would outmatch her.

That was a smart move using Growth. Wonder what he's planning, Pip thought, reflecting on what Grookey could know that was special based.

They could use so many grass based special moves not to mention other special attacks.

Pip reflected on the idea the Grookey were physically based and not special like Pip was. It would probably be better for them to use physical, but maybe one of them, most likely the male, was good at special attacks.

Either way, Pip was grateful for the help.

Flygon was ticked. She tried to use Bug Bite on the female, but the female just dodged like a pro before using Sword's Dance.

The male followed with a Growth.

The male was far taller than the female Grookey now. The female was actually the taller of the two originally with being slightly taller than the male, but the Growth attack forced him to grow big.

Without giving the female Flygon a chance to react, the male allowed the female Grookey to use Sword's Dance once more by lunging at the Dragon-type.

He held down the Flygon and began to suck in her energy in a special Giga Drain.

Flygon screeched loudly as large chunks of energy were drained from her.

Without taking a hit, the male swiftly sprung back, avoiding a Bug Bite.

Seconds later, the female Grookey was bursting with enthusiasm. She was preparing an attack herself.

She seemed to focus all her energy into her lower paws.

She ran at the Flygon as she charged up her attack.

She reached the Flygon and jumped up to meet her.

She lifted her lower right leg back in full gear.

Determination was lit in the female's gaze.

Flygon's eyes were widened with shock at the move verity that was like hers, but possibly better and stronger.

"Take this, you oversized bug!" Grookey shouted as she spun around in the air, her tail lashing a bit as she aligned her foot to the Flygon's face.

Grookey then slammed her foot down, harshly on the flying Pokemon, pushing the Flygon to the ground in an explosion of breaking ground and dust.

Flygon let out a pained cry that slowly died down.

The dust clear. The rocks and rubble hit the ground.

Flygon's eyes swirled in a mist of unconciousness. She was zonked out.

The Mega Kick has done its damage.

Pip approached them from the wall he was sticking too.

These two Grookey really proved their stuff.

He could have aided them, but he was curious to see how they would fight.

Their moves definitely impressed him. Mega Kick was a very powerful move with a less accurate chance of hitting.

The spin the Grookey did must have helped her focus her attention on the Flygon, but the one question he had was how was their power amplified without moves to lift their stats.

"Well done." He praised, his gaze turning to the female's paw. It held a Miracle Seed.


"Thank you." Both Grookey purred at the same time, pleased at hearing praise from the legendary Squad member.

"Now who wants to see how cool the Squad HQ is?"

"I do!"

Author's Note: This is such a weird way to end the story I know, but I like introducing new characters and important characters for other stories, so there you go. The two Grookey will be parents to the Grookey within the story Starting Out on the Right Foot. Which will probably need a name change, but for now, that's the title. Lol. Anyways thanks so much for reading epilogue here soon and thank you for 1k reads! It means so much that people are willing to read this garbage. And anyways, if you liked this there will probably be other cool stories too. Hopefully not this cringey or depressing or seemingly meaningless...welp. Anyways thanks so much for sticking through and I'll start that Epilogue

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