Chapter sixteen

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The forest felt like it was tightening the trio together. Pip didn't like it, not one bit. He wanted to be in the forest, but the density argued otherwise.

Plus being here with the Oshawott was hard for him to do. Every time he looked at the male it reminded him of someone he knows; someone he used to know.

He flinched as he recalled the memory, erasing it as soon as Spout exclaimed, "Let's split up! I'll go one way you two go the other way!"

Why'd she have to say that?

Just why. Pip groaned as he slapped his face with his flipper.

What was she up to?

She was leaving them all alone. Together.

Pip shivered. It was even worse when they were alone.

He couldn't help but stumble with the memory.

It was a sunny day. How unfitting of the day that was about to succumb him.

Cheerful chirps of Rookidee and one particularly weird Duskull pleasured the gorge Pokémon and everyone in it and near the river water.

Tons of Popplio and their families were out splashing about in the water. They were having a great time.

One particular couple—a Primarina, a Samurott, and a young male Popplio—laid out in the sun.

The son, was out in the water having a great time, not noticing anything off about the day.

They had a daughter, but the young Oshawott was home sick in bed and couldn't make it.

They were rich, but were rejected treatment for their daughter for being an Oshawott. More specifically being an Oshawott born of a Primarina.

A happy smile was  on his face—the youngest of the two.

He glanced back at his perfect parents. His perfect life.

It was everything he could have ever dreamed it would be and more.

"Tag you're it!" Giggled a nearby female Popplio. She was a shiny.

He giggled and chased her.

This was Pip back when he wasn't even two years of age. So long ago, yet it stuck in the back of his brain like a sighting of Yveltal.

The two, especially Pip, were unaware of the crime that was about to take place on this very day.

All the Pokémon there we're having a great time, until it happened.

The unthinkable act of crime that happened there that day was awful. So awful.

Pip saw all the Pokémon having fun. I wonder if my parents are having fun. He pondered.

He turned his head to look at his parents.

His jaw dropped in shock at what he saw. His mouth was dry, unable to speak.

Something silver glinted from behind his father's back as he conversed with his wife.

The happiness on his face didn't show what Pip knew only moments before what happened: he was ready to do it. To get rid of the one who enforced the rejection of the daughter's medicine.

Pip wanted to warn his mother, but the knife was pulled out before any of the Pokémon there could process what was happening.

The real question was why he did it in front of all these witnesses.

Pip found that out later.

The Samurott plunged the dangerous weapon into his mother's blubber.

A loud cry came from the young mother's lips as she struggled against the stabbing water-type.

She had her gentle flippers on the knife, trying to pull it out of both her skin and away from her suddenly crazy husband.

Unfortunately, when the Samurott took it out, that's when all the Pokémon including Pip's playmate started to scatter and run away from the scene.

They were cowards, that's what they were.

Pip started to hobble his way over to his parents in an attempt to stop the deranged father.

The young father shoved the knife into the female Primarina. He maneuvered his knife, earning more red blood to spurt out of the wound.

The Primarina let out a screech, falling on the ground, flipper on the knife and wound.

He wouldn't stop.

Not even after she fell on the ground.

He stuck it in deeper.

And deeper.

And deeper.


The Primarina had stopped moving.

She stopped breathing.

And Pip?

He let out a scream of horror at what the Samurott did.

"Y-You killed her!" Pip wailed, voice cracking.

Teardrops were edged at the corner of his eyes. Snot dripping near his nose, making him look very ugly. He didn't care. His insides were scrambled with what he had just witnessed.

His father murdered his own mother. His father murdered his own wife!

Samurott plucked the knife out of his wife's body, eyes dead. Samurott turned to him with the bloodied knife.

The blood of his mother stained the knife, stained the ground.

Pip cried out loudly in rage.

"YOU KILLED HER YOU MONSTER!" He hastily ran at the more experienced father as fast as he could.

The father had a different look to him, one of a killer.

He looked...eager to kill him.

He lunged at his son. "I will do anything, you brat! Anything,you ugly piece of shit, in order to get my favorite child back! You're worth nothing! No one loves you!" He roared at him, face turning a whole new shade of red.

His eyes...they were red as well.

Whatever was wrong with scared Pip.

But he had to destroy this Pokémon because he killed his mother.

Before either could land a hit, an Intelleon tackles the Samurott on the ground, and from there Pip blacked out.

Pip gained his ground as he pulled out of the memory.

Ever since then he's hated Oshawott for taking away the one person that mattered more to him. More to him than even his precious trainer of whom he had found after being scooped up by the Intelleon and being brought do Kukui.

He shivered at the thought.

"Woooo!" A loud howl suddenly broke through the silence of the forest.

"What was that?" Parker asked, fear in his voice.

"It's nothing you cry baby." Pip snorted as he rolled his eyes, and pulled on the strings of his hoodie.


"There it is again!" Parker said, freaking out.

Paw steps could be heard. The first thing Pip could see was a blackened Pokémon, their black long claws poking out into the light.

Authors note: I thought this story could use a bit more so you could get to know why Pip hates Parker so much. Also, who was that Pokémon that howled? And how do they associate with the woods? 

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