Chapter seven

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Eule seemed super focused on his work, that he didn't pay attention to the Popplio as he regarded the paper curiously.

How many other recruits does this place have? That's a lot of papers.

Eule was carrying a lot of papers within one bag.

Eule had a pen in his wing. He was writing on the application. Pip wondered if that was how Pokémon normally came into the Squad, or if it just depended on what was going on in their life at that certain point.

For Pip he just joined because he had no choice. No trainer means no trainer for the rest of his life. It's rare to find another trainer that was willing to take in a Pokémon that looked like trash.

For others like Eule it was where they proved they were worthy of being in the squad.

Pip guessed that Avalon must have just had the shiny touch. It's where shinies claim they're stronger than normal Pokémon, despite having the same stats as some of the rest.

Pip stood up for a second before Eule put out a wing to stop him.

" I would like to have a word with you, Pip. Hold on just a second."

Pip tipped his head.

What is it this time? It seems every time I enter counter the grass type all we talk about is how I'm being bullied by that sneaky fox. Why can't we have a normal conversation like we used to?

Pip waited for Eule to finish his work. There was at least two applicants.

He was scrawling messily on them. He glanced back at Pip before looking back at his work and continuing.

Pip tapped his flipper on the floor.

The sooner the two talked the sooner he could leave and do something productive with his life instead of standing here.

Eventually Eule finished writing down on the applications.

Pip could see he had accepted a few of them.

I hope he accepted the ones who will help the squad. I don't wish to have to deal with another Avalon.

Rushed, Eule told him, " We've spotted Tudi nearby talking to some Ninetales. We think she could be a new villain, but we're not certain. Can you check for us?"

Pip nodded. " You can count on me!" He barked as he grabbed his things and left.

Finally! A mission where I can find the killer of my owner!

Pip growled as he remembered the details. So, so many details.

He shivered. That Sandslash was the most scariest Pokémon he's ever enter countered.

Praise Arceus his accomplice is dead.

But it seems he has found a new accomplice. A fire type.

I hope it's not a new villain. We have so many as it is. More and more Pokémon are being corrupted and are learning from Tudi. One of our own even joined the villains. Honestly it was a stupid reason. Pip thought as he raced through the streets of Poketown.

Pokémon gasped and covered their eyes.

Fuck them. Pip pulled on the strings. Only his nose was visible.

His paws scattered the dust and flattened the grass.

One Pokémon seemed to be cheering him on compared to the rest.

They were smacked in the face.

Pip hurried into the forest. He gulped as he started to search. Where was that sharp clawed demon at?

Pip found his flipper stuck in a bush. He smiled to himself.

Brilliant! I'll hide!

He wiggles his way into the bush.

It wasn't the greatest idea, but he had no plan. He had to capture both of them, even if the Ninetales isn't a villain. Better be safe than sorry.

Pawsteps approached him, and a tan fox with nine tails approached. Near her was the all-too-familiar Tudi. His claws seemed to be flexing.

Was he mad at this female? What were they talking about?

So many questions filled Pip's mind.

The questions were silenced when Tudi glanced into the bush.

Fear pulsed through Pip's brain.

What should I do? Should I run? Should I fight?

The answer was given. Tudi had left without attacking him, or making the Ninetales aware he was here.

Pip's heart stopped beating irregularly. What was that about?! Why wasn't Tudi attacking him? Pip thought that he would have killed him on sight because of what happened with the Houndoom.

Guess he either forgot, or.....Pip gulped.

Maybe he thinks Eon is a bigger threat than I am!

A growl reached his throat. Was that even possible?! It was Pip's super effective attack that destroyed the villain.

He deserved it! Pip thought with panic in his eyes.

Pip began to run after the two villains. He had to stop them. He didn't care if he was being reckless. He has to stop them before they hurt anyone else he cares about!

Desperate, Pip used Aqua Jet. Tudi cried out in pain, and collapsed. Pip took a deep breath. This must be done, he reminded himself.

He used Water Gun on Tudi. Tudi growled as he got up.

" I hate water. You little pest! I wasn't doing anything!" Tudi snarled.

" Rumors are this Ninetales is an accomplice of you." Pip said, not allowing Tudi to speak.

" Is this true?! What are you two doing?" He asked in a panic.

Tudi seemed to notice his flaw. He only smirked for a bit before saying, " Of course it is. I can't wait until your squad falls to our paws, Flippers."

Then Tudi grinned. " You shouldn't have come here now. Tisa and I were looking forward to ripping apart some flippers." Tudi began to loom closer to Pip with the-so-apparent Tisa following him.

Her gaze was wild with rage. " How dare you! You're getting your flippers in where they shouldn't be. Guess we should teach you a lesson about smacking others without a reason." She growled.

Pip cried out as he barely dodged the Flameflower she launched at him.

The flames licked at his tail, barely grazing it. I have to get out of here! I shouldn't have jumped them! But I must arrest them both! With that Pip started picking up speed, wishing the murderer and his friend would leave him alone now.

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