Chapter twenty-nine

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Pip grit his teeth, prepared to use an Aqua Jet.

Water engulfed his body, and he slammed into Flygon.

Flygon wasn't nearly as affected by the attack as he thought.

He landed, panting on his tail.

He almost fell over, but managed to balance himself.

Flygon shook herself free of the water attack.

"You don't know when to quit, do you? Poor naive Primarina. I'll show you when to quit. That would be now!"

Flygon flew towards Pip, preparing a Bug Bite in her mouth.

How do I stop a dragon type? I have fairy type moves that can halt her, but how can I get her stop moving so quickly? Pip wondered, trying to formulate a plan in his mind.

His eyes lit up as he found an idea.

He avoided Flygon as she chased him around the bottom floor of the dungeon.

She's too quick. I want to paralyze her or slow her, but she might reach me before I am able to throw it. But if I use Aqua Jet I might be fast enough to avoid her. The Primarina thought as he took out a glowing light blue orb.

The orb was a Slow Orb.

If he could slow her down, then perhaps he would have an easier time catching her.

Pip never could have imagined in his life he would have such troubles with a Dragon-Type of all Pokémon, but this Flygon was stacked with good moves. She didn't seem to have any dragon type moves.

No wonder why she's a villain. Though I wouldn't ever use my own powers in such a way, but I guess I don't think like her. I mean, she's a dragon. They're usually one of the most strongest Pokémon types out there in general, most considered fake legendaries.

Pip barely dodged her Bug Bite.

The Flygon grumbled a bit because not only was Pip managing to dodge her attacks, her teeth pressed together super hard in the middle of the Bug Bite.

Guess one could say she used Bug Bite on her own teeth. Ouch.

Pip used the opportunity to use Aqua Jet, running away as fast as the jet of water would allow him in the air.

He dodged her next Air Slash almost with ease.

It was still pretty difficult since he had to veer away from the attack pretty suddenly.

He was thankful to Arceus he was agile enough to do so.

He then pulled the Slow Orb in front of his face , and lifted it with a flipper above his head.

The orb flashed for a moment before the Flygon who was zipping towards him slowed her pace greatly.

It still looked as if she was flying towards him with all her might, but she seemed confused to why she was slower.

She then glared at Pip. "Cheater! You fucking cheater!" She shouted as she used Air Slash once more.

The move, along with all her movements was much slower, but it would take more than her now slow body to be able to help this pokemon win this battle solo.

She must have greatly trained herself. I'm level 50, but there's many more levels past fifty. There's 50 more levels she could be. I just have to find a way to avoid her slow tail now and finish her off.

Pip then used Moon Blast, and knocked the angry Flygon to the ground.

She grunted in pain, trying to struggle her way up in the air.

She flapped her wings violently, but wasn't able to stabilize herself in the air longer than two seconds.

"Ack!" She cried out, her wings failing her. She landed to the ground with a thud and she breathed out heavily.

"This isn't over!" She snarled once Pip hobbled over to her closely.

She reached out her mouth, reaching for Pip's bag.

Pip inwardly groaned as she grasped an Oran Berry once more.

Would this nightmare ever end?

This female dragon was super annoying.

Well, Pip supposed she would do anything to not get caught.

Her wings had marks on them, but they healed once she ate the blue Berry.

"Make this easy on me, annoying shitface! I want to continue to do what I do best, and this battle has gone on long enough!" Flygon roared, using Thunder Punch.

The attack manages to hit Pip, and he hit the wall once more.

Pip could hear the cracking of the wall and parts of the wall broke away, hitting the ground.

Pip had smacked into the wall so hard it looked ancient and old. So frail if one more move hit him against the wall they would be caved in.

Pip grabbed his queasy stomach as he stood up, trying to stay up with his left flipper.

His bag was in the Flygon's hold.

Her eyes held amazement and mischief as she picked some of the things out of the bag.

"Give that back!" Pip growled, annoyed with the Flygon as she pulled out an item that was given to him by his friend Parker.

It was to symbolize their friendship.

It was just given to him. Pip wasn't ready to lose it already.

"What this?" Flygon taunted, holding out the bag with one claw. "You won't need it."

"Not that. Give me what you just dropped on the ground." Pip stated simply, pointing with the flipper that was just on his belly as the other one held the ground.

Her red gaze flickered towards the dusty ground. A smile grew on her face. Wickedness.

"What do we have here?" She asked as she picked up the item.

It was a dark blue scale. It wasn't really much of a cool item, but Parker and Pip found it on their adventures. It was blue and white, and Pip just really liked it, so Parker gave it to him.

Parker was the one who picked it up and told him it reminded him of Pip.

"No. I wonder how much this DeepSeaScale can get me. Must be worth something." Flygon teased as she held the scale in a paw.

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