Chapter eighteen

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The four elite Pokémon all walked together—or in Parker's case behind the other three.

The forest was eerily quiet as the four continued to walk.

Would now be a good time to call out for Spout or should they wait until later?

Man, Pip thought. It would be less quiet if we were looking anywhere, but in a forest.

Pip placed his flippers on his mouth.

It was way too quiet.

Whatever happened to the villain they were chasing, he was obviously not making himself known. And was obviously making the hunt way more creepier than expected.

Wherever Spout was, Pip hoped she was at the very least safe from the villain.

The villain was an oddly black Ursaring.

Eule had explained to them that he had been there back when he was a Rowlet. Apparently he's only been captured once ore twice, but always escaped and managed to kill at least one member of the squad while on the way to freedom.

He also explained to them that together they could defeat the Ursaring.

Pip also had been warned before leaving by Cygnus—who had been waiting for him for some reason—that this Ursaring was far more dangerous and far more unknown than anyone could ever guess.

When Pip asked him what he meant he just smiled and told him be wary of him as he might do something they wouldn't ever expect.

Frowning Pip looked around the place, searching for any sign of life other than the occasional chirp of the Kricketot in the area.

Other than the Kricketot there were some other forest Pokémon like Nickit and Purrlion, but no shiny Squirtle or black Ursaring.

Pip sighed in frustration.

Why was this so hard?

No he wasn't referring to the Pokémon out there.

He was referring to himself. Why was being himself so hard?

He knew he was gross-looking, but why did Parker have to avoid him because of it?

He knew why he was avoiding him, but he didn't know why he was avoiding him.

He didn't even know why he was thinking of it.

He just got these sudden emotions at some point.

To him it was no big deal.

Other Pokémon might have gotten help, but for Pip even if there was they would reject him for what Pokémon he was.

They continued to search through the forest.

Parker was the only one who was calling her out. Pip was too busy deep within his own thoughts to think of even calling out for his other member.

At this point Pip was following these two mysterious wolf Pokémon instead of leading.

The Pokémon with the sword was constantly looking around the forest, pausing to look back as if expecting something unexpected.

The Pokémon who's body was encased in tons of steel just continued his stumble.

His steel must have weighed a lot. It's a no wonder he's stumbling around like a clumsy oaf.

A Pokémon who can wield that armor must be super strong. They must be legendaries or almost legendaries. Pip thought as his flipper got stuck under a root.

He took a trip, head first on the ground, bonking his nose on a hard rock.

His eyes started to fill with unwanted tears.

He pressed a flipper to his huge pink nose.

The tears slid down his face, staining his blue blubber with darker blue marks.

He pulled his paw away from his nose. His nose had stained his paw with red. His nose was bleeding.

"Are you okay?" The sword Pokémon asked him.

"Uh Huh." Pip half lied.

He was fine, but emotionally he was breaking down.

How could he have done that?

Embarrass himself and prove just how weak and truly ugly he was.

"Let's just go." He continued, more soft tears coming down his face. Not a lot of tears were shed, but it was enough to show how emotional he had gotten.

Parker must have noticed his demeanor had changed because his arms were folded as if he knew what he was actually thinking.

The wolves both nodded their heads and they continued to search for Pip and Parker's friend.

Eventually, the four couldn't find Spout and they all sat down to rest.

Pip was having a hard time feeling pain free.

He continuously panted, sitting on his fins in the process.

A sudden scream broke out and Spout came over, waddling swiftly through the trees as she came closer to them.

All four leaped good their feet, preparing to battle.

An Ursaring the exact color of the description came thundering, crashing through trees as he chased the young water-type.

"Run!" Spout bellowed as she ran past them.

"Why?" Parker questions with a shrug.

"That...thing is not a Pokémon! I swear it could see into my soul."

The black Ursaring came thundering closer. The two big wolves narrowed their eyes.

Their eyes narrowed into a more focused glance.

As soon as the Bear came stomping by the two legendaries attacked.

The one with the sword lifted the sword and pulled back, it growing bigger and more deadly in the process.

The one with all the heavy armor looked as if he was preparing himself to run at the bear, glowing really intensely.

The bear got close enough, and Spout turned around to come back towards them. She raced back over to help, embarrassment flooding over her face over her flight action earlier.

The sword Pokémon swung his sword.

The leaner wolf bashed his body into the bear.

Together, the two fainted the Pokémon on impact.

"W-what the- How'd you do that? And more important who are you?" Spout spewed.

The two Pokémon turned towards them, chuckling at the young Pokémon's babbling.

"Well, we cant tell you our real names, but we are called Zacian and Zamazenta. I'm Zacian." The one with the sword began as he pointed to himself.

"And I'm Zamazenta." The buff one said, pointing to himself.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. I'm sure you three can handle this wrongdoer yourselves now, bye!" Zamazenta exclaimed as the two cooly ran off to who-knows-where.

Authors note: the story is already dark, but be warned it might get even darker within the next chapter, so please be warned.

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