Chapter fourteen

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" Today we would like you to go into town and count how many Oran Berries there are in the Kecleon Market. Our normal guy is sick, so we would really appreciate it if you could check for us." Paarthurnax began.

Eule folded his wings as he add, " And Avalon refused to do the work."

Of course she refused. She's such a bitch, thinking being a shiny means having the luxury of having whatever job she wants. Ugh. I wonder what job she got.

Pip miserably nodded.

" I understand. I just wish I didn't have to do the weirdest job in the force. Why do we have to be like Wigglytuff's Guild?" He wondered as he turned around.

Paarthurnax seemed to chuckle at that statement.

" I can't tell you that. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out." He informed Pip.

Pip's ear flaps twitched.

Pip didn't turn around as he hobbled away, his hoodie squeezing the sea lion's head a bit.

His nose was the only real part of him that stuck out.

He took deep breaths, freaking out.

When would he be treated as a real member? Only new members did this job, and he's been here for who knows how long!

He's forgotten how much time has passed since he's been in the Squad.

He never gotten himself a real house. He usually hung out in one of the dorms the Starter Squad had.

They didn't have that many, and he didn't wish to be in the housing that the squad provided for them.

It was filled with ungrateful Pokémon.

He would never live there, not on his life!

Pip hobbled over to a Kecleon who was restocking his shops.

" Hi!" Pip called out to him. The Kecleon jumped, startled. He put his paw behind his head, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

" Oh, hello there, young Popplio. You're one of those Starter Squad members aren't cha?" Kecleon asked with a tip of his head.

Pip nodded shyly.

He didn't really want to engage with anyone. Not today, not ever.

But...I suppose I need to talk to him in order for this to work.

Pip nervously pulled on his hoodie. He took a deep breath. I must be brave.

" What are you doing here? I've never seen you being sent to check my stores before. I guess..." the Kecleon then chuckled.

" I guess I just answered my own question then."

Pip didn't get it. He just shrugged.

He then nodded.

" Yeah. That's why I'm here: to check the stores. How many Oran berries do you have?" Pip wondered as he rapped his flippers together in his nervous breakdown.

Of course it was on the inside. Whoever could see it either was a Psychic type or a Ghost Type.

Pip shivered at the thought of those two types.

It wasn't that he hated them, he just didn't want to imagine being put to sleep by one of those tricky tricksters.

Kecleon nodded in understanding. " I just started my restock. I had two from yesterday's unsuccessful sale. Gummis were bought out of stock then. We had a lot of them, though." He began in his ramble.

He sorted out his stocks, picking up a few more Oran berries, and kind of ironically: Gummis.

There were a ton of those.

Red, blue, green, yellow, even a weirdly pink kind.

" What are those pink ones?" The scatted Popplio questioned the striped seller.

" Oh! Those!" Kecleon exclaimed as he continued to sort through his stocks.

" Those weirdly pink ones...I believe they're clearer and thicker than the Psychic ones. Or was it the poison ones? I can never tell." Kecleon slightly rambled as he turned around to face Pip.

" I believe those are...Wonder Gummis if I am correct. They have a slightly different effect than the normal Gummis. Though they still are delicious! Yum! Can't wait for lunchtime." The Kecleon purred as he rubbed his stomach.

Pip sweated a little.

" How are they different?" He asked the camouflage Pokémon.

Kecleon chuckled.

" Oh they're very good. They increase your stats. Why...if you bought one you would probably not be as mocked. You would have such higher stats. It would be wonderful. Not that I'm trying to sell you any."

Kecleon then showed the Popplio his Oran berries.

He held out the box for the sea lion to peek in. Pip leaned over the box to look at the five Oran berries that were apparently stored in there.

" Tell Paarthurnax That all five of the berries are here, and that none of the other things have been stolen either. Thanks for checking up with me. There have been tons of Pokémon trying to rob my stores lately. It would be a shame if a Pokémon more vile than a Shinx or Eevee showed up to take most of my precious stores. Though I'm sure you do'ers would help me." Kecleon remarked, patting Pip on his back.

Pip nodded, confused.

" No problem. Glad to help. What do you mean by that though? That none of your stores have been stolen? Is this why I was sent here? Because you're having troubles with certain Pokémon stealing from your stores?" Pip wondered.

If that was the case, then why was Paarthurnax being so secretive about it?

Was he hoping that Pip would be able to catch the thieves?

Pip's heart and soul lifted at the thought.

Maybe I was wrong about my role here.

Maybe I was just discouraging myself.

Okay then.

I need to promise something to myself.

I need to promise myself that I won't discourage myself. I will be as confident and as helpful as I can.

Pip nodded to himself as Kecleon gazed at him, confusion lighting his eyes.

" Of course! He wants to make sure this town is safe. I assume you're one of the better Pokémon of that dinky squad? Why did you think you were here?" Kecleon wondered as his eyes widened, realization hitting his vision.

" I totally forgot! Paarthurnax didn't want anyone to know about this! Please don't tell anyone."

Pip moved his flipper over his mouth. " I promise." He said with a smile.

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