Chapter twenty-three

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The team was finally working right. Though, Pip has to admit to himself he still didn't feel comfortable with himself.

I suppose I never will.

Pip sighed.

Today. Today would be a real challenge.

Every day was a challenge for him, but today was an even bigger challenge for him.


He had no idea.

It was strange because he knew there was just something, but he didn't know what it was.

Maybe it was because a good majority of the squad was out doing who knows what.

And...the town seemed emptier than normal; almost like a zombie apocalypse.

Pip rooted through his things, paws in a bag.

He didn't know what he was looking for. He was rooting through his things because their leader informed them of something that was going to be happening.

Apparently one of the Greninja from the squad had been stalking the villains to check out what they were up to. They found out that Tudi and his pals were planning an assassination.

Of who?

None other than the alpha Pokémon themselves: Arceus.

Kinda seemed ambitious to Pip, but apparently it was what they were going to do, so now Pip and his friends had to prepare to face them off.

He even heard an old foe who died was there.

He grimaced.

He didn't want to face that bastard again. He took everything from him, and now he was about to take everything from everyone.

Despite being dead, his goal brought him back.

Pip shivered.

I'm going to give it all I've got, but how can I do that? I'm weak and powerless. I've barely done anything since coming here.

He then sighed, deciding on an action to take.

Before going to fight the villains—in what hopefully will be the final fight before they got captured or killed—Pip and his friends might have to train


No! We will train! We will become stronger and take them down! I'm not confident enough. This will bring me confidence! And maybe this would work.

The other members of the Squad were already out and about, practicing as much as they could.

Avalon had already attacked Pip today. With her moves.

If it wasn't for his friends he would be surrounded by more burns and mental scars.

He sighed as his flipper shook over the bag. There was something in his paws. In them were a couple of Blue Gummis.

He would be saving those gummis for later, though.

He placed them back in the bag.

"Boo!" Squeaked a familiar voice. One he hadn't talked to in a year? Or was it a couple of months?

Time flew fast when you were a part of the squad.

Pip turned around to see a grinning, waving Cygnus. He waved back.

The weirdly white-pink Teddiursa has his eyes closed, as if he was relishing something.

"What's up?" Pip asked him.

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