Chapter twenty

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The wind smacked his face. He didn't even care at this point.

He would die and that was that. He was forgetting there was a couple flying Pokémon in the Squad.

His flippers flailed in the air as he trie to grab a hold of the cliff surrounding him.

His paws couldn't reach anything.

He could hear shouts from above and an extremely loud punch to the face.

"What the distortion world were you thinking?! Pushing him off the edge?! That's a new low even for you! You should really be fired after this!!!!" An angry shout rang out, breaking Pip's ear flaps.

Of course it was muffled by the force of the wind blowing around him as he fell to his doom.

Or he thought he was going to fall to his doom.

He regret making them worry like that, but he couldn't help being depressed.

It was the way he is, and he wasn't going to just pretend like he was okay. Why should he?

He was about to be skewered by the sharp rocks that lay below him.

He tried to gulp, but found his chest and throat tight with fear.

His eyes watered. The wind was drying out his eyes. Not that he would be able to feel anything after being killed by the stone edge below.

He flapped his flippers as Avalon laughed. It was cut off by another smack of flesh.

His eyes still closed shut as he waved his flippers around in a desperate attempt.

Why wasn't anyone trying to save him?

He could feel their presence peering down at him as fell. Most were frozen with shock.

He could feel their eyes widened at him falling to his demise.

He could practically feel Tudi's happiness as he fell.

At least he would get his revenge on Pip. His ultimate downfall....

His ultimate downfall was himself. Tudi would definitely be happy about this one.

What a joke.

Thinking he could be the only undefeatable Popplio there ever was.

How crazy was he to think so?


He could feel the upending doom below him getting closer and closer.



Nothing at all.

No Pierce of skin. No caterwaul of pain. No death. Nothing at all.

A gentle set of paws was wrapped around him.

Or something was wrapped around him.

Why didn't they let me die? Why wait until the last moments to rescue me?

His eyes were still sown shut.

The Pokémon who saved him grabbed something, using it to slow the fall.

Pip felt hard debris hit his blubber. He flinch, putting a paw to his face.

He felt his flippers in the back waving around slightly like a flag being blown by a small breeze.

Pip could feel the strain the Pokémon had as they grunted, more rocks flying at the two.

Pip managed to open an eye, shaking viciously. White fur. Dark blue ears that kind of looked like a cat's. A weirdly oval shaped nose.

Yep that was Parker.

Pip was infuriated.

I should have died. What the heck is wrong with him?!!!

Pip was still shivering.

But...I guess he's got my back better than most of those trashy starters. They can't even do their job right.

It was stupid.

Though most actually were barely able to scrape by, avoiding death by a whisker.

Parker had his shell within the cliff.

Pip was surprised it didn't break to pieces with their weight.

Pip didn't say anything as Parker focused on making sure he wasn't going to be impaled by the rocks.

He wasn't even looking at Pip. Just focusing on the task at hand. Or paw.

He looked so...serious.

It was like...something out of a movie or something.

Pip tried to shrink within his skin, but it was impossible because he would have wiggled back into the situation he was in before he was being rescued.

By the dumb Oshawott no less.

Why does it feel like time's slowing down?

Well, he supposed he wasn't that dumb since he figured out how to make them slow down.

Pip's face flared with embarrassment. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be someone he actually liked?

Well, he supposed it was better than being saved by the idiot who pushed him.

The little Oshawott tried to climb the rocky cliff.

Unfortunately it was hard to get a foothold on anything since there was not enough rocky spots on the side of the cliff.

Parker seemingly growled as he tried to find a way out.

He grumbled, "Stupid. Thinking no one wants or needs him."

He does realize I can still hear him, right? Pip pondered as he tips his head.

His...partner was acting weird. It was strange because they hated each other and yet here he was being the only one to come rescue him.

Or maybe there was a reason Paarthurnax and the others didn't rescue him.

Maybe they knew he would help him.

His heart almost swelled at the thought that maybe his rival didn't hate him after all.

He felt his flippers hit the ground.

He welcomed the ground, collapsing into a little bundle. Parker kept his hold on him.

He sniffles.

"Let go of me!" He whimpered, pulling in his legs.

Parker ignored his request, pulling him and away from the cliff.

Avalon roared with fury. "What the distortion world you bitch! He needed to die! He wanted to die and you wouldn't let him! What a waste of time! He would have been better off dead than alive!" She snapped, diving towards Pip.

Parker put himself in front of Pip as a shield and used Water Gun, getting water into the shiny fox's eyes.

The Braixen stumbles backwards.

She rubs her face in disgust of the water.

"WHAT?!" She roared, curling her fists.

She needs therapy or something for that anger of hers.

Of course he wasn't in any situation to think such thoughts since the stunt he pulled on the squad.

"Avalon!" Paarthurnax roars, grabbing her with a claw. The fox gulped.

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