Chapter twenty-eight

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She was really mad. So mad that her wings were bringing up a wind so strong, Pip was afraid he had to hold on to something in order to stay on the ground.

"Stupid Primarina!" She exploded as she used Air Slash.

The powerful attack knocked Pip back, and pain flared throughout his body as he took the attack.

He landed on his stomach, his eyes closing a bit as he held it in pain.

He looked up at her.

She was giving him a sinister stare.

This is a bit more difficult on my own, but I suppose that's what I get for getting distracted. Tudi and Tisa have barely been doing anything as of late. I guess I've just been focusing on the villains I know.

"You stand no chance against me, fatty!" She growled, her wings kicking up dust in the air. "You're ugly for a girl." She added.

"What?! I'm a guy!" Pip exclaimed.

He moved out of the way as Flygon tried to use Bug Bite on him. She had some pretty useful moves. If she just had dragon or ground she would've been toast.

And Air Slash was a pretty powerful attack. It could make him flinch and allow her a chance to kill him.

He had to make sure she couldn't do that.

Pip threw a seed at Flygon who just barely dodged it, flapping her wings brutally as she did so.

"Pft! A Sleep Seed?! How cheesy. You must be real lazy in order to result to seeds. Sheesh. Really weak too. How disappointing. Would have expected more from the stinky squad." The dragon type taunted as she used Dragon Dance.

This is getting scary pretty fast. Pip ponders as he dodged a second Bug Bite.

This annoys Flygon.

She uses Air Slash more times in a row than he could count since it went by so fast.

Pip cried as he hit the ground.

Flygon loomed closer.

She kicked his stomach and he grunted in pain, curling up to protect himself.

It didn't help him stop her from kicking him though.

I have to heal myself! He thought, reaching in his bag as she kicked him. It was difficult to hold himself together as she did so.

He rummaged through his bag.

Flygon noticed, and kept kicking him, adding some punches here and there.

He reached down deeper, finding an Oran Berry and putting it in his mouth while barely avoiding her claw; she was trying to reach the Berry and throw it away, but Pip was just barely faster than her. He was desperate to be healed.

He could feel the cuts and wounds heal.

He couldn't stand up because Flygon was still holding him to the ground, attempting to use Bug Bite once more.

Pip held out his flippers, holding her head away from him as he used Moon Blast, hitting her in the face.

She squealed as she fell limp. She wasn't fainted yet, but that was enough for Pip to drop her.

He forages through his belongings for handcuffs.

He didn't notice that Flygon was just playing dead.

He cried out as she used Air Slash on him, taking him slightly by surprise. He really should have expected it.

"You really don't know when to quit, don't you? I've killed quite a bit of starters in my day, but none have given me this much fight." She growled, throwing back her fist as electricity began to surge through her claw.

"Why is that? They too afraid to beat you? Well I'm a fairy type. I'm not afraid of some Pokémon that looks like a bug!" Pip exclaimed as he quickly dodges the super effective Thunder Punch.

He hits her with another Sparkling Aria.

Then another.

Flygon screeched loudly, stumbling backwards, no longer flying despite her Levitate ability.

She growled lowly before using Bug Bite. Lucky for her she stole an Oran Berry. It restored her to a decent amount of health before getting back into the fight.

"You can't stop me, pesky starter, I have the ability to make myself stronger and steal your health items." She taunted with a giggle.

This must be some sort of game to her.

She was evermore energetic as she used Air Slash again, gigging as it crit him, sending him back against a wall nearby.

The interaction with the wall ensured its start to crumbling.

Pip cried out.

The Flygon flapped her wings and flew over to him swiftly, landing on her feet with Grace.

She bent down to him, grabbing him by the chin. "You will never win. The start squad is a useless group that aims to do good, but it only makes us stronger. You'll see." She remarks as she steals another Oran Berry, restoring herself to full health.

She then took an Max Elixir to make sure she was at full pp too.

She then turned around, trying to plot out how she would kill him.

That was one of her first mistakes because Pip hit her with another attack, keeping his bag as far away from her as he could. Unfortunately, as long as he had the items near him she would always have a chance to steal her hp and pp back.

Fortunately, she would never be able to heal once she was beaten.

"Hmmm, I could Air Slash him to death, but I would need to take away his bag." She tried plotting.

Eventually she just decided to use Bug Bite to make all his items that were edible go away, but Pip was always dodging the move.

This fight is going on quite a bit. Maybe I should have prepared a bit more. He pondered.

He then got hit with a critical Air Slash once more.

He went flying and hit the wall.

More crack appeared, but Pip still tried to get up. His body ached. Despite the healing he received, he was sore all of the place. The Oran Berries may heal his outsides, but his exhaustion was get  to him. He would either defeat her or fall in exhaustion.

He didn't know how long this has been going on, but he knew that if he fell he was done for.

But I won't let that happen!

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