Chapter three

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He was in it. He was in the Squad. It has been, since, a day. Avalon still treated him like a nobody. Heck, even most Pokémon treated him like nobodies, except for a few little of the Squad.

The first was obviously Paarthurnax. The others were just Pokémon who felt bad for him because of all the jerks teasing him, and pushing him. Pip had no idea why he was a target. The Pokémon there acted like he was a villain, not a true member.

Another Pokémon that treated him well was a Decidueye. He said his name was Eule. Pip was starting to believe that Eule and Paarthurnax were the only two who could truly like him.

Paarthurnax claims that what he thinks is baloney, but he could see the way the other Pokémon look at him; he sees that they scoot away whenever he's in the room. He's a cast out.

Compared to the other Starter Squad members...they say he's not as good. He couldn't beat a baby Skitty, and they claim his victory over Pulse was a fluke.

But what had happened to Pulse had scared the other Starters away from Pip as well. They claim he was a murdering clown who's agenda was to kill anyone who was threatening him.

That only convinced Avalon to draw blood whenever she got aggressive with him. He was terrified of her. He wouldn't let the fennec fox see that, though.

He shivered, as he peeked from the corner he was hiding in. Why hasn't Paarthurnax fired that little fox yet? Why do I have to deal with all this bloody pain from a fox who's attacking me because of how I look? Why can't it be some other Pokémon, and not the one so obviously deserving of a break?

" Aha! Found you!~" Avalon's taunt rang out, as she quickly pounced at him, claws unsheathed. " Can't you save those claws for work?" He questioned, quivering.

He was afraid of her. Don't let it show. Don't let it show. Don't let it show. Be brave! Avalon was snickering as she dug her claws in, face full of happiness as she drew his sticky red blood.

It spattered the ground in a squirt. Her paws were red with his blood. She bent over to whisper in his nub ears: " I would kill you, but I'm sure that someone else will get to you first, so why should I try?"

She raked her claws down his back again. He yelled, wincing with extreme pain. She kicked him. No one ever came to help him, or stop her. They all watched: happy or pitiful.

I don't need their pity. Avalon giggles, " Isn't this fun?" Her voice was venom. He screamed as her claws ran down his back. If all anyone is going to see me as is a creepy, ugly clown what's the point? I'm better covering myself so I don't get glances from the other starters.

Pip started to grow an idea. Pip would never hurt anyone, and that's why he was brutally attacked by Avalon. Because he won't defend himself, unless he was protecting someone. Someone such as Eon.

He wish he was here. He treated him better than any of them would or could. Paarthurnax can't even protect him from a blood thirsty member of the squad!

More claws raked over his body, but he was numb to the pain. He didn't notice when Avalon ran away: afraid of Eule telling on her. " Are you okay?!" Gasped the Decidueye, holding out his wing for the Popplio.

Why is he the only true member who cares? Why can't anyone else care? They're the Starter Squad! Aren't they supposed to care for one another?

" I'm fine." He grumbled. He took the wing, and was pulled to his feet. " You should get to the nurse. I can't believe Paarthurnax doesn't know that you're being attacked by Avalon. She only just recently got in the squad! By like this much!" Eule explains to him, exaggerating by squishing his wing tips together in a small amount.

Pip sighs. " What's wrong?" Eule asks him. Why does he bother? He doesn't truly care about me, he's just there until he sees I found someone my age who becomes my friend. I doubt that will happen.

" Everyone at this stinky squad hates me!" He yelled. " You got that right, ugly!" One of the shiny Chesnaught barked back at him. Eule rolled his eyes.

" They're all just judging jerks. Don't pay any attention to their banter. Some aren't even half the Pokémon you are. They aren't brave enough to take on Pulse, let alone defeat him like you did. If they're afraid of you for that impressive power, then you should be flattered. They shouldn't be attacking you for your exceptional powers. There are so few Pokémon with your kinds of powers these days. We need you more than they're letting on! Don't let them see that they get to you, Pip." Eule spoke.

I don't need a speech about it. " But as long as I look like this they won't stop flashing stupid comments my way. I can't focus on catching criminals if they won't stop being bitches." He remarked.

Eule sighed, " It doesn't matter what you look like, Pip. They're just going to attack you even if you wear a hood such as mine." A hood such as yours, huh?

Eule put his wing on shoulder, " Look, don't worry about what you look like. Plenty of Pokémon here are way uglier than you will ever be. You might not look appeasing to people on the outside, but on the inside you have the beauty of Arceus. You get what I'm saying?"

Pip nodded. " And the other Pokémon? Well they have the inner beauty...if I were to compare them...with Giratina." Eule compared.

But I have the inner beauty of a Yveltal. I want to destroy Avalon for what she has done, but I don't actually go and do it.

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