Chapter twenty-five

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"What your names?" Spout wondered, Eon's lame explanation didn't tell them anything.

The Nidorina was the first to respond. "I am Reina." She introduced, holding out her paw. Pip glared at her hand like it was poison. That would make since because she's a poison type. It was possible to use Poison Sting with a finger within her paw.

Spout was the only one out of the three of them to shake her hand.

"What gives? Just because I'm training to become a member of the PK Police doesn't mean you should treat me with such hostility. Or is it because of my type?" Reina wonders, gazing at them.

Pip's glare had nothing to do with either.

Wasn't this one of the girls related or friends with that weird Skarmory, Bucky?

"What's your relation to the criminal Skarmory called Bucky?" The Popplio asked her.

Her eyes seemed to wide for second before she folded her arms in anger.

"Him? Oh I disowned him. Don't worry. I'm not one of those losers. Him and Buscar can go to jail for all I care. I'm here to help you defeat the villains. Now that we've discussed this can I please get a handshake?" She asked, holding her paw out, waving it a bit.

"Hello," she draws out long. "My arms not getting any longer."

Well, she doesn't seem like a villain, though at this point even if she was at least she realized how serious such a situation could be. But I'm watching this weird Police officer. Pip thought as he shook her paw with his flipper.

"Much better!" She chirped.

The lazy Gengar nearby held out his paw, his eyes hidden by glasses.

"Slider. Yes I used to be a villain. Nothing to worry about, I've changed my ways, and so has David here." Slider commented, his other paw grabbing something within his skin.

It was a toothpick.

What? This lazy weirdo used to be a villain? Pip wondered as his gaze turned towards the Stoutland who was more than obviously a girl. A girl with a boy's name. How odd.

The Gengar plopped the tiny stick into his mouth with an almost evil grin.

The Mightyena stepped forward, pushing asides David. David was excitedly bouncing up and down despite how old she looked.

The Mightyena shook her head with amusement before she held out her paw towards Parker who was eyeing her curiously.

"My name is Ruri. I'm not sure if you know me, but me and Pulse went back years ago. Though, he's dead now. But me and my friends have formed an exploration team to help others. We offer our help. If you'll accept it." The Mightyena offered to them as Parker and Pip shook her paw.

Spout shook her paw viciously and she took a step back.

Eon was grinning like he was a genius.

So it all comes down to this? Some strange exploration team, us, a Police officer, and a weird Umbreon who thinks the world will end with strange foods and poop? Oh great. Nothing better than to journey with a bunch of crazy idiots. Pip thought sarcastically.

And I'm not even sure if the Gengar is trustworthy at all. And the names. Pft. Who names their kid Slider?

"What do you think? I know there could be more to join along, but my bestest friend in the whole world started heading out before I did." Eon remarked, a sad look to his face.

Well, that was before the air conditioning blew and made his scarf slap his face.

Eon made a couple of sounds that made it seem like he was being strangled, and got his scarf out of his mouth.

He made a grossed out face before turning back into an excited Lillipup, a happy smile on his face.

His tongue was sticking out for whatever weird reason.

"Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, what are your names? I already know who Pip is since he's kinda famous around here, but who are your teammates?" Ruri asked.

Pip guessed she heard what happened to Pulse. But he wasn't sure if she heard about Eon being a part of it.

His heart ached a little thinking about the events of the past.

Was it really three whole years ago he defeated the world's most insane villain?

Well, he supposed Pulse probably wasn't the most insane, but he was certainly powerful and crazed. That was for sure.

And he did in fact create a really weird villain because of what he and Eon did. Before this madness his life was perfect, though not everyone's life was perfect.

He supposed Eule knew that when he left Alola for the Starter Squad.

"I'm Parker, and that's Spout. Spout stop shaking Slider's paw please. He's probably had enough of it already." Parker remarked.

Spout stopped for a brief moment before having a look of mischief and shook the Gengar's hand some more.

The gengar didn't seem to mind since he was just continuing to chew on his toothpick like he was the boss around here.

"So are we going or what, wimps?" Slider asked.

"We shall go!" Eon exclaimed cheerfully.

They all began to head out, though Pip wasn't sure they were prepared. The Kecleon within the town was missing now. Something about being robbed blind the other day.

Now, the Pokémon could only collect items in mystery dungeons. Unless Eon had a bunch of items packed in his sour patch kids colored scarf.

Before they got far, an annoyingly loud and squeaky voice exclaimed for them to stop.


Pip and the others turned around to be faced with the white bear, Cygnus.

Cygnus placed his paws on his knees as he panted before them.

"Me and some of my fr—I mean associates want to join you." He commented.

"Why are you running? Can't you just appear out of thin air? Wouldn't it have been better if you just showed up out of nowhere?" Pip asked.

Most of the Pokemon seemed confused, though Eon nodded his head like he understood everything.

"And what do you mean associates?" He wondered before Slider let out the loudest feminine screech anyone has heard from a Gengar.

Standing behind the white Teddiursa was a troop of bloodied up Pokemon.

Are those....villains?! Pip wondered as one of the creatures— a purple or blue Cinderace—growled, "I was bribed into doing this."

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