Chapter thirteen

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" Oh hey, look! It's that one Pokémon. Why is he looking at the ground? Should we say hello?" One Pokemon asked as he walked past them.

No thanks, he thought with an aggressive look in his eyes. Cold hearted is what he was now.

He's been doing it for a month now.

Closer. It gets closer. My freedom will be taken away from me soon. He convinced himself

He gazed with dead eyes at the ground, taking more interest in it than the Fennekin who was trying to catch up with him.

Not today. I'd rather eat a Wurmple than see her face today.

He sighed as she picked up her speed.

Since she was faster than he was, she managed to knock him down with her. Just another day in this distortion world hole of a life.

She growled furiously at him. Nothing she could yowl about would bring him much further than the oblivion he was apparently already heading for.

" You little shit! You think you don't have the time of day for glorious sexy shinies like me? Well, guess what?" She asked as she...unsurprisingly...whipped out her paw, unsheathing the claws that lay within them.

Pip didn't even have to ask what. She always thought that being a shiny guaranteed a Pokémon being better, and that anyone who didn't look like her easy special in every way.

She is right that I am nothing special, though. I'm just a Pokémon trying to fit in.

Pip sighs as she continues her accursed speech.

She leaned closer for effect, whispering with pure hatred in her voice. The sound of her voice was like a Mareanie tearing at a Corsola.

Her breath tickled his ear flaps, though Pip knew he wouldn't feel ticklish later.

" You are a nobody! Everyone in this squad hates you! You should just jump off a cliff! If anyone did love you, well, they would take one look at me and find how much better I am than you, ultimately deciding that they would rather be a lesbian than be with a mistake like you!" She howled as she tore off the hoodie.

It was a surprise it was still in one piece. Pip thought it would have been shredded to pieces at this rate.

Hah. Jokes on her. None of the girls anywhere even interest me. The only thing I love is this hoodie. I won't let her know that this hoodie has gotten my attention or she might take it from me.

" I'm a mistake? Like you haven't used that one before." Pip huffed.

Avalon sank her claws into his flesh.

Pip panicked.

Her claws were going at his life threatening wound. He needed to do something now, or he could die.

Or....Or what?

Or I can end this endless pain right now, and just let the blood flow out of the wound. Pip thought darkly as his face turned grim.

But, he began to think as he looked at the hoodie.

If I do, then who will stop Tudi? Who will help these Pokémon save their world? If Avalon won't do it, then who will? I have to do it myself then. Avalon and most of the others are either useless...or are out doing their jobs.

Maybe it's about time I've done my job instead of sulking.

Pip pulled his legs back and kicked the shiny where the sun don't shine.

The female went squealing into a wall, yelping with pain.

She curled her body around her private area, and from there Pip didn't watch.

He began to hobble away, saying: " That'll teach you for not doing your job."

He smiled to himself.

I hope I don't get in trouble for that. I probably won't, but I'll still be treated like crap. Some things are just too good they can never come true.

Pip held the smaller wound, gritting his teeth as he cursed. He would have to find that room, again.

But first! He thought as he picked up the hoodie, wiggling his way into the hoodie.

Why was it the hoodie that seemed to be getting the brunt of the attack?

He took a deep breath as he folded the hoodie. He had to ensure that there wasn't anything wrong with it.

If it got ripped, Pip wasn't sure if it would have it's powers anymore.

Pip began to tear up.

He couldn't dare think about what would happen if it did. He just couldn't and he wouldn't.

He clutched onto the hoodie like it was his life form.

He breathed out a deep breath, walking onward with such swiftness.

He didn't wish to talk to anyone, no, not anymore.

No one deserved his voice.

Well, no one except Paarthurnax and Eule.

Most Pokémon would ignore him, or feel more uncomfortable when around him.

Usually he wouldn't talk unless he felt like it. Other times he was forced to talk, like when talking to a witness in a murder case.

He forced his gaze down. If he didn't engage, no one else would.

He just had to make sure no one saw his wound and move on. Easy peasy.

Manipulating his hoodie to where he could shield his wound, he continued on his way like nothing happening, only giving so much as a nod to a Pokémon who waved.

He didn't even look that Pokémon in the eyes.

How could he? He was supposedly the world's ugliest Pokémon.

A Pokémon who was supposedly a starter, with a big fat pink nose and strange blubber that made every Pokémon despise him.

Nobody could love him.

And everyone hated him for who he was: a clown.

He walked through the halls like an emperor would, only pausing to open a door.

He walked inside.

He dipped his head at the two Pokémon in front of him.

There was no need to mention who they were.

The grass owl dipped his own back in deepest respects.

The black dragon only snorted before opening his jaws in his request.

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