{26} Yaoyorozu Momo x Female Reader "Monster"

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Quirk: Glitch - user can teleport but for watchers, it looks like a computer error or the person is glitching out of the area.

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of torture and graphic violent scenes

An average-sized man with gray hair and glasses walked through the halls reading his clipboard looking through the analytics as men in black suits dragged an unconscious teenager through the hallway following the scientist-looking man. The man with grey hair in a white lab coat tugs his hair a bit with a smile before starting to laugh, "Can you believe this! This kid has somehow fused perfectly with the quirk we've given her. It's almost like this is an extension of her own body, like another leg, but it can get her fifty meters from where she once stood."

"If we can continue training for another two years by this intensity she could teleport all the way to North America and back within two days!" The doctor/scientist continued muttering away to himself of all the possibilities of their most successful experiment as the guards cuffed the teenager to his bed as well as make sure the straps were on right. They want to avoid another escape if possible.

The teen wakes up right as the guards pull on the last strap, she starts shaking and growling like a wild animal trying to get out of the restraints. She starts pulling and struggling on all the straps and especially on the muzzle on her face that they put on her to stop her from biting everyone and things. This was a side effect from her quirk even though the quirk given to her had nothing to do with an animal.

"You idiots get her under control before she glitches out of her restraints again!" The scientist yells at them knowing full well when the H/C haired teenager's emotions are going haywire so will her control over the quirk. That's what happened the first time she tried escaping. The scientists turn to leave the room as the guards start beating and tasing the boy who grunts and screams in pain.

The scientist continues to mutter to himself while writing down all the notes on the paperwork under the boy's file. The scientist stops and smiles as he hits himself on the head for not thinking of this sooner, "There's a chance she could teleport objects or even other beings with her. Why haven't I thought of this sooner, with this, we could take other things and not rely on genetics for the things that teleport when she activates her quirk." He says excited to try this new thing instead of the same training over and over again.

///// 6 months later /////

All the intense training and torture the H/C haired girl was put through allowed her to finally teleport with things, so she was now able to teleport with clothes on. But for the scientists, she was now able to steal things and deliver things without being caught. The teenager was put into her room/cell before being beaten and chained up to the wall for the good day today instead of the bed that gives her anxiety.

Alarms rang throughout the hideout alerting everyone to evacuate, unfortunately for the scientists no guard was near their best experiment since she was hung on the wall instead of strapped on her bed. The scientist took all the files he could and burned the ones he couldn't bring. Guards evacuated the experiments they were nearby and abandoned the weak and dying ones.

Heroes busted through the structure splitting up and trying to find anything and anyone, they were met with silence and then the smell of something burning. Eraserhead took off in one direction trying to see if he could find anyone trying to run while the other heroes go through all the other rooms. Most of them were empty while others were filled with corpses or with people on their last breaths. While most heroes wanted to leave so they wouldn't see anymore corpses Eraserhead continued further to see if there was anyone left. Right as he was ready to leave like everyone else he opened the door and saw a person no older than his students in U.A. Eraserhead quickly pulls out his radio and says, "We need medics in the far left of the building, there is an injured person but they're very much alive." He doesn't bother listening for a response as he quickly takes the kid down from the wall.

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