{11} Shoto Todoroki x Female Reader "Arranged Marriage" Part 2

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/////Shoto's P.O.V./////

The reception is finally finished and Momo and I couldn't see (Y/N) and Kyoka anywhere, "I wonder where they went off to." Momo says from the passenger seat.

"I know it's worrying." I see her then scroll on her phone but I continue driving I don't notice what she's looking at.

"Go to the hospital." She tells me, "Right now!" I nod and speed to the hospital and I see her run into the reception desk I can't help but think that they got severely hurt.

"(Y/N) (L/N) and Kyoka Jiro." Momo says frantically, "Miss Jiro room 508 but Mr. (L/N) is still in the emergency room undergoing surgery." I stare at her wide-eyed.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"From the updates, she should make it through but she shouldn't wake up at least a couple days but if she does wake up he'd be in excruciating pain from her back."

"May we see Jiro?" Momo questions the receptionist types on her keyboards and gives us visitor passes we go to Kyoka's room and see her with bandages around her head. She looks at us and smiles, "Hey married couple." She jokes I quickly close the door while Momo runs to her, "Kyoka what happened? When we were finished with the reception I didn't see you two there and I got worried and I looked on my phone to pass time only to see you and (Y/N) getting out of a burning building! You're not that hurt are you I can make some things with my quirk if needed—." Jiro shuts Momo up with a kiss and I look on my phone wondering what happened.

"Momo honey I'm okay I only had a concussion but (Y/N) I can't say the same for her."

"What happened to her?"

"(Y/N) she warned me that the building was a trap and it was too late to run out because an explosion went off and she protected me the best she could but something hit my head and I blacked out, next thing I know I'm getting raised and have a knife to my throat while (Y/N) calls off the search on her phone so I hit the guy with one of my jacks and (Y/N) knocked him out. The police stormed the building and we were allowed to get out safely, her back was severely burned and scarred I don't even think she realized how much pain she was in until the paramedics came and put an oxygen mask on her and me. He's been undergoing surgery for a couple of hours now." I can't help but worry a lot, he's always been there for me and I don't even want to think about a life without her. Momo puts a hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be okay, she always finds her way back to you." I give her a small smile, "Yes, thank you." I stayed with Momo and Jiro until a doctor came and said (Y/N) was out of surgery but most likely won't wake up until three to seven days from now but we were allowed to see her if we wished. Momo stayed by Jiro's side while I went to go see (Y/N) to see her laying on her stomach with needles piercing her skin and an oxygen tank by her side, "We almost lost her a few times but she always came back like something was driving her forwards I've never seen anything like it." The doctor tells me.

"Thank you, doctor." He nods and leaves and I can't help but break down at seeing her like this, "Hey (Y/N) I hope you know we are having a serious talk when you wake up, you're stupid you know that right?" I scoff, "Just please come back to me and quick, don't leave without me please." I start playing with her hair that smelled a little like smoke but I stayed by her side all night and even to the next morning.

/////Your P.O.V./////

I start blinking and immediately feel a lot of pain and groan, I start hearing loud beeps almost blaring in my ear as the pain is unbearable, I hear footsteps rush in and yells, "Please I need to make sure he's okay!"

"Sir please everyone will do the best they can she wasn't supposed to wake up until the pain was more bearable, please step outside."

"Sho...don't go..." I say weakly getting a blurry figure of red and white being pushed out the door, "Sho..." I try reaching out but I could barely lift my arm and it only gave me more pain.

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