{8} Adult Izuku x Female Reader "Damn They F**K!"

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Warnings: Lemon/Smut/18+ so do not read if you get uncomfortable


"I can't believe I decided to come here with everyone, this is a mess," I say as I put a hand through my fluffy green locks as my matching green eyes scan the area viewing the chaos that they brought into the club. "I should have guessed things would have ended up like this." He says as his eyes land on Ochaco and Iida having a great time together as a couple should. As he was watching everything happening he didn't see an obvious drunk woman stumbling towards him but was too late when she reached Izuku and grabbed his hand and leaned on him and the wall Izuku had his back to.

"Hey handsome what are you doing in a place like this all by yourself~." She purred before standing back up trying to make herself look hot but on the other hand, Izuku was just uncomfortable.

"J-Just l-looking out for my friends, y-you know they're drinking and all." He silently curses himself for stuttering and backs away from the lady a little bit to get some space hoping that she would get the idea and leave him alone.

Before the drunk woman could get closer a voice rings out introducing themselves, "Hey babe." Y/n pops up and when she got close enough she lowers her head and pecks Izuku on the lips before turning to the woman, "Oh is this your friend?" Y/n continues 'innocently' but secretly knowing exactly what this woman is after.

The drunk woman just grumbles something under her breath before turning to leave, "Yeah and I need to go home anyway." She tells the duo before leaving. When she was out earshot Y/n turns back to his long time friend and quickly checks for injuries, "Are you okay? Do you need to get checked out with a doctor? If that girl did anything to you I'll kill—."

"Y/n! I-I'm okay sh-he didn't do anything." Izuku tells the h/c haired female who sighed in relief before Izuku continued, "B-But y-you k-k-kissed m-m-me."

"Oh was that too much? Sorry, I was trying to make it convincing to that woman, she's the type of drunk to pester someone for drinks if she shows a good time."

"U-uh n-no th-that." He coughs, "That is quite alright." He smiles trying to hide his nervousness.

Y/n sees this and quickly pins him to the wall behind him, "I know that smile Izuku Midoriya~." Y/n starts teasing him putting her face closer to Izuku's, "Your nervous, flustered even in this situation~."

Izuku starts blushing and looks up and to his left trying to not look Y/n in the eyes but this only allowed the h/c haired female take advantage of his easily exposed neck and started trailing kisses lightly licking and biting getting some noises from the greenette.

"Y-Y/n-n ngh~." Izuku says before covering his mouth with his hand, he didn't want to get embarrassed by everyone potentially seeing the number one pro hero like this. "P-Please..." He whined, "N-Not-t he-here...in front of e-everybody."

The h/c haired female pulls her head back before putting her forehead on Izuku's, "I'm not going to sugar coat anything I've loved you for a very long time and I was going to confess to you but then you had that thing for Ochaco in high school I tried getting over you. But I couldn't, everyone I saw was not you, they could never replace you, Izuku Midoriya I love you and I want you to be mine if you'll allow me." Y/n says finally confessing her feelings she's held back for so long.

"I-I love you too, I accept your feelings but please don't leave me all flustered like this, make me yours." He says and pushes his body closer to Y/n's. Y/n very passionately kisses him before breaking it and grabbing his hand and drags him to her car and puts Izuku down on his seat before driving to the hotel she was staying at, 'Wow those upper body workouts worked out great.' She thinks in her head while driving.

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