{20} Tenya Iida x Female Reader "Together Again"

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Succubus - User feeds on the positive energy of people, the more positive energy the more his eyes glow and the more entranced the people around them become. When the quirk is activated large wings start popping up from their back and an aura which increases chances of capturing unsuspecting victims. If there is only one victim all the user has to do is look into their eyes and get them entranced with their voice and they'll practically do anything the user commands but they have a mind of their own so it's easier to stop than Shinso's mind control.

"So we are performing at U.A. for some festival?" I question my manager that helps us do everything.

"That's right," Mac tells us like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Didn't they have 2 villain attacks in the last three months?" The lead guitarist Lucis asks.

"Yes but they paid a lot of money so it shouldn't matter, plus it's a hero school with a lot more security we should be happy they even hired us." Our drummer Abel tells us. "Besides our little Succubus over there seems more than happy to do this show, look she's even studying the songs, she never does that!" Abel continues to tease me.

I look over at her, "Abel come on I always study!" I complain like the child I was.

"I hate to agree with Abel but she's right you never study the lyrics so what has you like this?" Our tall pianist

"W-Well there's no specific reason..." I draw out while looking away not wanting them to catch my blush.

This catches everyone's attention however, "What is it do you have a secret boyfriend or something." Cam our piano/keyboard player says not caring much for the conversation going on.

When Lucius, Mac, and Abel see me attempt to cover my even redder blush they all gasp, "YOU DO!"

"No I don't! Well I hope in the future he will but we haven't seen much of each other ever since he joined U.A. and I went to that school and especially after I started playing with you all."

Mac get's close to me, "Have you two kissed yet!?"

Lucius asks, "How long have you two known each other?"

Abel as well wonders, "Who is this person have we seen him on tv before?"

"U-Um well we have kissed, we've known each other ever since we were children, and he's been on TV a lot." I say answering their questions.

"Tell me everything when you kissed!"

"Uh, well it's not the happiest memory."

"What happened?" Mac asks concerned, even Cam—our most reserved musician—wanted to hear this story.

"Well when we were young I had feelings for Ii-dan," I say changing his name but not by much, "I never felt like that before obviously and it was our last day of middle school and we were at his house hanging out. And well I just went for it you know, I kissed him but before anything else could happen his mom comes in and pulls me off of him and drags me by my wrist out of their house forbidding me from seeing Iida again." I say sadly, "And my parents cut ties off with them learning what happened, they of course accepted me and didn't care about me being gay and helped me through everything. I tried texting him several times after that day, sending letters, and tried going to their house to see him but like his mom said I wasn't allowed to see him again."

"Awe it's okay I'm sure he doesn't hate you for what happened." Mac tells me.

"Better yet we know the kids name." Lucius reminds them.

"Yeah, Iida to Iidan really? It wasn't that great of a cover up." Cam tells me.

"Shut up I was trying to get you all off my backs!"

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