{30} Pro Hero Izuku Midoriya x Pro Hero Female Reader

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Quirk: Tokki Tokki - type Mutant - User is born with the tail and ears of a rabbit. Sadly also the height, so being born in a family of tall people over 6ft their quirk mutated their DNA to be barely 5ft. The user has enhanced running, jumping, and hearing, also a little bit of their sense of smell.

Drawbacks: Sore muscles and fatigue happen a lot quicker than a normal person.

"H/n! Over here H/n!" I was stopped by a reporter before I could leave to eat a late lunch since I was so busy with these burglars. I would have just said, 'Sorry I cannot speak right now.' But she seemed really desperate so I walked over to her. She immediately lit up and put the microphone to her mouth, "Rumors have been going around saying that you are in a relationship with Pro Hero Deku. Do you have any comments about this?"

I blushed in embarrassment and I would have confirmed them if Izuku didn't tell me to promise that he was in a relationship with him. It was for my protection. "Uhm, well we are really good friends. It's kind of complicated if you think about it." I tell her, "Do you have any other questions."

I spend more time answering her questions --and skipped over some inappropriate ones-- until a phone call came in. I look at the reporter with an apologetic face except I was relieved and answered the phone.


"Y/n...I may not be able to keep my promise." I hear Deku's voice through the phone.

My heart started to sink as I questioned, "Izu, Honey, where are you?"

"I can't...allow you to be put in danger." I hear him breathing hard.

I put the phone down as I look at the reporter, "Do you know where Deku is?" She looks at me questioningly so I looked at her panicked, "Pro hero Deku! Do you know where he is!"

The reporter went to her earpiece and started talking into it. She then looked at me, "Pro Hero Deku was last seen chasing a villain down Crossbecker street."

"Thank you!" I started running towards the address as I talked into my phone, "Izuku I'm here keep talking. Don't hang up." I start tearing up.

"Please Y/n. Don't come." He whispers.

"Izuku keeps talking, don't close your eyes."

"I'm sorry."

"Izu--." The call ended so I called my sidekick WaterWork, "Get as many sidekicks and ambulances to Crossbecker street. I am almost there."

"Yes Sir!" Then they hung up.

I walked through Crossbecker street. There was rubble everywhere while I kept yelling, "Deku!" Trying to find my boyfriend. Tears continue to run down my face as I desperately trying to hear any heartbeat.

Memories start flashing about our happy moments and things that have happened recently.

Izuku had been coming home late and leaving early.

"Hey, Love," I tell him as I kiss his cheek.

"Hey," Izuku says seemingly exhausted.

"I made dinner."

"Sorry, I'm exhausted. Maybe tomorrow night."

"But...that's what you said this past week..." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?"

I put up a smile hiding my disappointment, "I said have a good sleep."

"Thanks." He sighs as he starts going to our shared room, "Goodnight love."

"Night!" After he leaves tears start slipping from my eyes.

"Izuku! Please say something!" I yell still trying to find him. Even though we've been going through some rough times I still love him and want him to be safe.

I'm cleaning his office and I find one of his hero suits, it seemed it hasn't been washed to I take it off of the hanger and go to wash it. As I examine the suit I found white hair on the shoulder of his suit. 'Is he cheating on me?'

"Please don't tell me he is..." I say as tears start streaming down my face once again as I still go to wash his suit.

"Izuku!" I yell as I then hear a hard cough. I run and jump over rubble getting closer to the sounds. I gasp as I see Izuku with his legs crushed under a large pile of rubble. "Izuku!"

I run over and kneel at him and put my bunny ear to his chest. I gasp as I hear a faint heartbeat and start crying as I start pushing the boulder off of his legs. I put my back against it and start using my legs to push it off, "Come on. Come on you stupid boulder." I groan as I slowly started moving it off of Izuku. With a final heave, I was able to get it off. "Thank god!"

I go back kneeling to Izuku and pull his head up, "Come on honey. You're alright, you'll be okay." I say as my tears continue to stream down my face.

"You've been through worse. You can get through this." I say as I try waking him up.

I see his eyes flutter open, "Love?"

"Yes, yes Izuku it's me."

"You came. Even though I told you not to?"

"Yes of course I came. Don't worry help is on the way, help is coming. And, and you'll be on your feet at no time."



Izuku reaches in the pocket of his hero suit. He pulls out a small box. "I-I was planning the perfect proposal. But. I want to know your answer now." He opens the box showing a beautiful ring with gems of F/c and green mixing perfectly together.

"I-Izuku," I say while crying.

"Imagine...this wasn't the circumstances we were in. And I wasn't about to, and I wasn't laying here. Y/n. Would you marry me?" He questions his voice faltering a bit.

"Yes. Yes, I will."

Izuku, with shaky hands, pulls out the ring and holds out my hand, and slips the ring on. It fits perfectly. Izuku starts smiling wide, "Please. Smile for me."

I give him the best smile I could muster as he continues to lay in my arms falling more unconscious every second. I wasn't able to say anything and my lips quivered.

"I...love you..." His breathing starts to slow as his heartbeat starts to fade, "Never.........forget." He says as he closes his eyes.

My smile fails as I start sobbing in Izuku's chest. I finally let out a final scream of despair. All my negative emotions I've been feeling up to this point I let them all out as I hear the faint sounds of paramedics.

I was forced away from Izuku by my sidekick WaterWork. They held onto me as I tried to get Izuku back in my arms as Paramedics desperately work to get his heart back working. They got a pulse and put him in the ambulance working as fast as they could.

The sound of the vehicle driving away from me making his death uncertain to me made everything more overwhelming. I soon felt myself go unconscious in my sidekick's arms.


I spent days in the hospital room barely getting up or out of the room just waiting for Izuku to wake up. Every day WaterWork brings me food and water to eat so I don't die of starvation or dehydration. They also push me to change out of my clothes every day and to at least shower.

"Y/n..." I hear a groan coming from the hospital bed.

"Izuku?" I question squeezing his hand for a second to let him know I was there.

"I love you." He then fainted again but he had a smile on his face.

I was tearing up again, "I love you too."

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