{3} Bakugou x Female Reader "Bring Back What Once Was Mine."

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My earliest memory I could remember being with my parents is when they brought me out to the ocean one day, they had fun playing all day and at night under the moonlight sky people started leaving and others started coming. Soon a ceremony started and everyone started walking into the ocean, "It's time." My father said after staring at the full moon and clear skies where the stars were shining bright. Everyone soon started to circle my parents and hold hands with one another, my parents laid my baby body down on the ocean and held hands with each other.

Have you ever heard of Repunzel and the golden flower? Well, that was written off of a legend, our legend.

In a low voice, everyone started singing, "Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine." The ocean around us started glowing a light blue, the baby who was in the middle of the glow started giggling to her parent's approval who smiled lovingly at their daughter.

You see it wasn't a piece of the sun that fell off and landed on Earth, it was the piece of the moon, and this specific piece of moon was nothing like the others.

"Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine."

The piece of the moon did not hit the land it hit the ocean. And all the ocean lovers who were on the ocean that day were struck with its power.

"Heal what has been hurt, change the fates' design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine." At this point, everyone had transformed into what they did all those years ago when that piece of the moon hit the Earth.

This is the legend of Mermaids.

"What once was mine." Everyone finishes still in their mermaid and merman forms, soon the glow shrinks back and the baby stops giggling and under grows her transformation, there was light surrounding the baby forming a shape of a ball and it even floated in the air a couple of seconds before being brought back down into a baby mermaid.

"You sure made one hell of a kid (M/N) mother's name and (F/N) father's name." Says a merman a good friend of theirs too. You see whenever a child of a mermaid and merman is born everyone goes out on a full moon and clear skies that year before the child turns one year old and does this ritual, this will allow the baby to transform into a mermaid/man and a human.

"Everyone meet (Y/N)." Your parents lift you above the water to show you off and everyone cheers before swimming out into the ocean all together spending that night as a clan, a society together before coming back and living their lives as humans once again.

/////Time skip to 7 years later/////

"Mom, Dad?" I question walking into my home where my mom and dad were usually taking a break from work that day. "Yes, honey?" My mother questions.

"Someone tried kissing me and well something told me that she wasn't the one, and I ended up covering my mouth before she kissed me." My mother and father both looked shocked and then smiled.

"I think it's about time we told you." My father says.

"It was your mermaid side telling you not to give her the power to breathe underwater." My mother tells me, I look at her wide-eyed, "I can do that?"

They both nod to me, "Yes you can, as a mermaid or merman, your first kiss will allow someone on land to breathe underwater. So you must make sure you don't have your first kiss until much later when you're getting married and you for sure know this person is the right one to spread your powers too."

"Okay," I say with a smile.

"Now come on we have training to do today." I smile at this, training always included swimming deep waters, lifting boulders with my arms and tail, and also maneuvering quickly from sea to land and vice versa. I never really thought of this as training more as fun playtime with my parents but I didn't know the dangers and the downsides from being a mermaid. There were times my parents had to leave on missions and save other mermaid's and merman's from boats, nets, and even break them out of facilities. Soon came the year where the last baby that would be born on land before we went into hiding from the world for a very long time.

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