{17} MHA x Villain Female Reader "Captured"

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Warning: No ship/romantic stuff

quirk: Synthesis, the user can absorb or 'eat' sunlight to generate energy. User can manifest the solar ray energy to create large or concentrated beams and blasts. The user cannot use their quirk without the sun so unless they absorbed light prior to the night they might as well be considered quirkless. Another downside is the less sunlight the user gets the physically weaker they become, they essentially need sunlight to live a healthy life.

One moment I'm having the time of my life committing arson with Dabi then the next moment I'm sitting on a chair with my arms tied into a couple of slings that stop me from using my quirk. Upon waking up I violently shake around trying to get the jacket off and attempt to use my quirk only for it to fail, that's how I know the jacket stops me from using my quirk.

So far a couple of people tried interrogating me and I remember the lesson Shigaraki has given me, 'Since you're a kid put your head down it'll make it hard for them to tell what you're up to, it'll make them believe you know you're in trouble.'

'Will that work?'

'Of course, it'll work their heroes and heroes are stupid.'

'There's someone that you could especially guilt trip them into letting you go.'

My ears perk up upon hearing this, 'Oh~ and who's that?'

"Eraserhead." My head picks up a little at the name but I hope they don't notice that, all I have to do is act like I don't care and they won't get anything out of me.

I hear footsteps walking over to the chair that sat in front of my bench, since this is Eraser I could end this quickly as I'm getting annoyed with all of this questioning, "Like I told those douche bags behind the mirror you ain't gonna get a word out of me about Shigaraki's plans." I say with my head still down.

"(Y/N)—," Aizawa says instantly capturing my attention.

"H-How? How do you know my name?" I ask completely shocked.

"I'll tell you that if you answer a couple of questions." Aizawa says which makes me glare at him and scoff about to deny it before Aizawa continued saying, "This has nothing to do with the League's plans."

I make eye contact with Aizawa trying to see if he's lying or not, for some reason, I felt safe around those eyes I never felt like this when I was with the League. "Fine, but you better tell me how you know my name."

Aizawa nods his head, "What do you know about U.A.?"

"It's a dumb hero school full of delusional children trained to fight wars within their community." Unknowing to (Y/N) everyone in class 1-A is behind the mirror also hearing their conversation completely shocked with his answer.

Aizawa is trying to hide his emotions and continue on with questioning, "What are you feeling right now?"

"Angry, frustrated at myself for getting captured..." She makes eye contact with Aizawa again, "But...I feel safe for the first time in my life..." Unable to stop herself from answering honestly.

"What's your earliest memory?"

"Ooh getting right into the wounds, well whatever Eraserhead, if you really wanna know then fine, when my quirk manifested. My parents were fighting in front of me. I ended up getting angry and absorbed too much sunlight from the window I was sitting in front of. I accidentally released all the energy on them and the house we lived in destroying it all." I gave a sad chuckle and looked away, "I ran like the coward I was, too scared, too afraid to see another human being, I hid in the alleyways for days and that's when I found the weakness to my quirk. I didn't realize I was dying without sunlight. I got scraps of food and bottles of water from people who left it behind. But I didn't want to go out into the world again in fear what I did to my parents would happen to them. But then by luck, or maybe fate, a man stopped in front of me and held his hand out to me, I was too weak to even stand but that was the first time I found hope. I was brought into the League and finding out the name of my savior, All For One, I trained my quirk the best I could until they deemed me worthy to go out on a mission of my own. As you can see it didn't go too well."

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