{24} Hawks x Female Villain Reader "In Love with a Criminal?"

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Quick Note: The song isn't important it just fits the theme well

Quirk: Crystal Wings - The user can form wings with a material that is similar to a liquid crystal that is constantly flowing from their back. They cannot stop the liquid from constantly producing unless they crystallize their wings. With their crystallization, they can launch individual crystals at an object or just tug it out. When the user's wings are crystallized they are too heavy to fly with so they have to uncrystallize them, basically turn them back to their more liquid form, to fly again.

A villain known as Crystal Killer is a bigger threat than Japan originally thought but no extensive research could tell them who they are or what they look like. Like their name suggests they kill people with crystals that are pretty heavy alone. We don't have a clear identity of what the Crystal Killer looks like but investigations are lead being by heroes in hopes to put away the Crystal Killer for good and bring justice to the victims of merciless crimes. This is Saito Sora bringing you news every day at 4, stay safe out there.


I'm currently out for a fly, unlike the rest of the League I don't ever show my identity and neither do I talk extensively like Shigaraki. I've heard from Kurogiri Shigaraki has gotten better at acting like a true leader, that's the only reason why I came back but I don't plan to see them until after my fly.

When I find a pretty tall building to rest on for a bit I drop down and crystallize my wings ready to attack anyone that attempts to hurt me or if I just feel like dropping someone off the side of the building. I sit and watch the stars glad up here I can see them clearly while the low clouds are below me so they don't cover the sky I like watching.

"Hello, fellow flyer." I hear someone randomly call out to me in a sing-song tone of voice, I got my crystals ready to attack the guy with red wings. I go to examine him to see if he will harm me in any way, "Hey you're like me right, I just want to talk." I give him an unamused look when I see he isn't a threat currently. I decide to drop my crystals and continue to look at the lit-up city and perfect shining stars without saying a word. "Well aren't you a special one~." He teases before coming closer to my left, "May I sit here?" He asks.

I give him an unimpressed look before asking, "Are you going to hurt me?"

"No." The red-winged hero says.

"Then you may," I say glancing at him as he plops down on the ledge next to me. He falls silent thankfully as I continue watching the stars and occasionally the city, Hawks' wings sometimes puff up and I look at him in wonder. He doesn't look like the patient type so I know he'll leave in a couple of minutes max. "Do you want to go for a fly?" The bird man asks me. I'm surprised because nobody wants to fly with me let alone be with me for so long, I would probably be vulnerable in the sky but he doesn't seem like he's planning to hurt me.

"Sure." I stand up and uncrystallize my wings, "Let's fly." I fall off the building and I flip around and see Hawks smirk at me as he jumps off himself matching my dropping speed as we're diving headfirst with challenging smirks on our face. This quickly became a game of wits to see who will fly up first into safety. When we both noticed how close to the floor we were we simultaneously flew up and over shocked civilians and witnesses. He easily matches my pace and I have to try harder to match his, I would never have thought I would be slower than someone when it came to flying but this hero here is faster than me.

This fly turns into a race as we continue to compete with each other and show off different tricks we have, "I'm surprised you can keep up with me." Hawks teases.

I give out a chuckle, "That's my line." And fly faster than before, I see Hawks stall for a bit before flying faster himself easily matching my pace. The two of us race through the city him making jokes and me making snarky remarks not used to having this much fun with a stranger.

Hawks thoughts: 'Her laugh was so hot, and she's so fit, and everything about this H/C-haired stranger is so perfect.'


After racing through the city I show him to one of my favorite spots which was a cliff in a surrounding forest where more stars were shining through the sky. Hawks didn't start up a conversation which I'm happy about but it was starting to get me confused since all he was doing was staring at me. I thought about what happened and I unconsciously smiled and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get rid of it. "I haven't had so much fun flying in years."

"Same here..." Hawks gets closer to me to the point we are inches away from each other, I knew exactly what he wanted so I went ahead with it and looked at his lips before his eyes. He talks again, "Would you like to fly together again?" He turns his head a bit and I do the same. We both get closer to each other.

We were centimeters away and I put my hand in between our lips and backed away, "Meet back at the skyscraper next Saturday at 10 pm, don't be that late~." I fly up and out of sight already late to my meeting as it is.

/////3rd Person P.O.V/////

"See you later songbird," Hawks says blushing at the first flying figure he's seen in a long time, besides himself in mirrors.

Y/N finally went to the League's new base and the first ones he meets are Toga and Twice who wanted to pull an all-nighter to play Among Us will all types of people.

When Y/N was sent on missions with the League she would always wear a cloak covering his whole body that also made sure when she was fighting nobody could see what she looked like. Many heroes attempted to rip the cloak off but they would either get hit with constant crystals or be too slow in removing it and Y/N would evade and counter-attack them with his feet.


Leading investigation personnel, heroes, and U.A. staff and some students were given knowledge of a new villain that joined forces with the League. "The villain isn't new they were always around they never posed that much of a threat until now. We have some idea of what their quirk can be after witnesses confirmed some suspicions." The lead of the investigations tells all the heroes, "From what we can gather this villain--who is being called Crystal Killer by the League of Villains--they can fly after seeing them carry villains Toga and Twice away from a crime scene. They also shoot out these crystals that are in front of you, we can't tell from where because of their cloak but from the way they fight we can only guess from their arms or their back."

Upon inspecting the crystals Hawks immediately knew who the crystals belonged to, it was so hard to get the crystal winged stranger out of his head. The image of the stranger's wings crystallizing and uncrystallizing in front of his eyes flashed through his mind and he doesn't notice a look from a good friend of his. Mirko looked at her winged friend a quietly says, "Do you recognize these crystals?" Trying not to put Hawks on the spot.

Hawks snapped out of it and shakes his head, "No. No, I don't." He says and Mirko only nods her head even though she doesn't believe he didn't recognize them from somewhere.

'It sounds like he's trying to reassure himself of that fact...He'll come to me when he's ready.' Mirko thinks before looking back at the lead investigator who has begun talking again.

"Every victim from the Crystal Killer had at least one crystal inside of them causing their death 9 times out of 10." Hearing all of this from the lead investigator the heroes knew Crystal Killer will be a lot of trouble, "We originally thought we had the Crystal Killer in custody but a test proved the crystals belonged to a different quirk."

"So this Crystal Killer is still out there." Endeavor states.

"Yes, they're out there and they're dangerous. They're not only dangerous with their quirk but with their legs too, they've taken down many officers and trained policemen with only their legs. We are not sure if they showed mercy on the officers or if they couldn't kill them, whatever the case was we interviewed over fifty officers that might have seen even a glimpse of them but they couldn't recall any looks only a void in the cloak and crystals shooting out of it." The only one that didn't want to hear this was Hawks he couldn't believe that an amazing and perfect stranger could be a serial killer in disguise. He didn't want to believe it, he couldn't believe it, which made him refuse to believe it. Hawks made up excuses in his head to reassure him that his songbird was not the Crystal Killer.

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