{5} Shigaraki x Male Reader "Mistake" Part 3

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We made a plan to kidnap Bakugou and convert him into being a villain alongside us, personally I didn't want him here but he would be a great asset to us. Once Shigaraki and I got back to base unscathed I pulled out the bag and pulled him into his room, "Look what I got us!" I smile and pull out the duo Player One and Player Two rings that are hung by necklaces. "You're my player one!" I say handing him the ring necklace, he looked at it and started tearing up and so I started freaking out, "Oh no I can take it back and exchange it for something you do—." I get cut off by Shigaraki hugging me.

"No it's perfect, I just never had a gift like this before." He says smiling to me I smiled glad he likes it, "Can I put yours on you?" He asks me and I nodded and handed him mine I had to turn around so he can put the clasps, then I did the same thing to the (short/taller) male. "You're too good for a villain you know that." He tells me cupping my face with his hand.

"Only to the League, and especially my Player One." I smile looking (up/down) to him, I quickly grabbed his jacket and stole a kiss from him and let him go, "Y-You can't just steal a kiss like that!" Shigaraki yells at me.

I only smile at his flustered state, "I'm a villain now I steal what I want, especially you." I then boop his nose he then puts his hand down.

"I need to start planning our next event better, make sure you train well so those U.A. brats don't beat you." He tells me.

"Oh how you wound me, you think they can beat me?" I tell him.

"No but you should have your guard up remember the USJ." I then put my hand to my chin like I was thinking then slammed a fist on the palm of my hand, "Oh yeah! That was a big fail from who you used to be." Shigaraki only growls, to which I give him another quick kiss, "But I'm glad that happened because then they are going to be over confident and believe they can defeat us."

"That may be true." He then shakes his head, "Now go I need to plan." I nod and do a small salute, "Yes sir." And walked out after giving him a wink. When I go to the bar area where Toga looks at me with her hands cupping her cheeks, "Awe you two are so cute!"

"Yeah too cute I think I'm going to barf." Dabi says pretending to throw up.

"Shut up at least I got someone!"

"Is that really so special though." He teased I just glared and made a finger gun, "Don't make me shoot you." He put his hands up in a defensive position, "Okay okay no making fun of you and your player one." He starts laughing, "Boom." And then Dabi got shot with a rubber bullet, "Holy shit that hurts!" He says holding onto his stomach.

"Did you shoot him with one that would kill him?" Kirogiri asks I look up at that tall fuck of a man, "No I would never!" Dabi smiles hearing this, "Hurt somebody important to Shigaraki's plans." He then made an offended face, "I thought I meant more to you!" Dabi says acting fake hurt.

"Shut up you're like that over protective older brother." Dabi stops and looks wide-eyed while Toga and Twice laugh at him.

"Oh man you're a brother to him!" I look at them, "Is that a bad thing?"

"No, but now you're stuck with a truly over protective brother." Dabi says putting his arm around my shoulder, "Shit." I say then he puts my head in a headlock again and ruffles my hair.

"Dabi stop!" I try getting out of his hold but he really had a tough grip, "Nah this will teach you for making fun of me."

"I didn't even make fun of you!"

/////Time skip to the mission of capturing Bakugou/////

"Everyone ready?" Dabi asks us while we are on top of the mountain looking over at the campsite everyone is at, we all nod our heads. "Who needs hundreds of thugs when you have a group of elites that will get the job done right." I smile sadistically excited to see everyone's face and wondering if they'll recognize me with my (F/C) dyed hair that will match my (F/C) glowing eyes when I use my vision scanner quirk. "Let's crash this party." We all jump down and wreck this campsite, Dabi lights the trees on fire with his blue flames, Twice also makes a clone of Dabi that went to attack the teachers, I followed Toga to collect blood, Mr. Compress had the job of finding and collecting Bakugou, and everyone else needs to keep the pros busy.

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