{19} Aizawa x Male Reader "They Won't Love You Like I did" Part 3

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/////(Y/N)'s P.O.V./////

Every day since I came here I was either shocked or refused treatment for my burns if I was caught outside of my snake form, the tiger who's name was Luther looked after me, and apparently, he was here the longest and he has murdered, tortured, and eaten humans that defied the Overhaul rule. I didn't blame him for doing all those things, he had to survive, and I do too. I was given mice and birds to eat, I hated succumbing to those bastards rules but I don't know how long I have to wait to even escape and if I could make it out of here. They also allowed me to keep the muzzle off as it was just easier to feed me without endangering themselves.

I feel vibrations and smell the people who give us food and my treatment so my head perked up wondering if I was going to be allowed treatment today. "Overhaul would like to know if your senses are heightened like your sense of smell and your hearing to track somebody." The bird guy asks me.

I was very hesitant to answer, "They are heightened, why?" I ask.

"Today will be your first mission, continue." The guy says looking over to a group of people who enter the room I raise my head darting my vision looking at all the different heat signatures that are entering the room.

"Sssstay back!" I hiss at them as a defense mechanism, literal venom lasing in my voice as I show off my fangs that are practically dripping venom. The bigger guy strikes first grabbing ahold of my neck trying to pin me down so I quickly turn and strike at him biting into something cold which makes my fangs stuck.

"Hurry up and handle him Overhaul is very persistent about getting her back." Said the little leader of this group. More of them grab ahold of me while I rip my fangs out of this guy's armor of whatever it was before I could do any more damage the tough guy grabs ahold of my head making sure I couldn't bite anyone else. I attempted to shake him off but this only caused him to squeeze my head harder which caused me to hiss in pain.

"I ssssubmit defeat," I say and everyone holding me down let's go easily while I slumped there knowing today was not my time to escape. They treated my burn wounds as well as wrapped it which made me surprised, they also put a new muzzle on me this one made out of heavier metal, and put a leash on me to make me follow them. As I was walking I was given sentimental looks from all those who have gone on these missions before. 'Just what is going to happen to me?' I thought in my head as I continued on my way being pulled in front of Overhaul.

He eyed me closely before feeling the muzzle gets taken off of me, after doing that he held some sort of cloth to my face, "I need you to track this." He tells me, I take one sniff of it and immediately I gain the scent and start slithering in a direction. "The ssssscent is thisssss way." I point with my tail and he nods and we continue on our way closing in on the scent as we are nearing a corner of an alleyway close to the outside world. We see a little girl tugging onto a boy's jacket but he was in a hero costume and so was another hero. Both Overhaul and I inch our way closer and Overhaul injects me with something and I slowly start to feel my mind going ferial as if my quirk is the one in control and not me. Soon Overhaul and the two heroes talk while the boy tries to protect her which causes me to hiss a bit with my fangs out which causes the girl to shake with fear before she runs towards us and Overhaul, I was ready to strike at the heroes but Overhaul held my collar, "Sorry about my snake he's a real handful sometimes, my daughter got it as a gift from her grandpa who rescues animals and it's still in the process of healing. We'll be on our way now." Overhaul starts pulling me away from biting the heroes until he presses the middle of my head which makes me submit, "Good now you pay attention you will make sure Eri no longer runs away understood." I hesitantly nodded my head, "Good." We both go back into the base and Overhaul kills off the previous caretaker of Eri leaving his carcass for somebody to clean up.

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