{16} Shoji x Tokoyami's Sister Reader "Polar Opposites."

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Quirk: Light Shadow - The user has a shadow like a companion similar to Dark Shadow but it's white and it grows stronger in the daylight, Light Shadow can talk and move freely and is loyal to whoever the user is. Also the more light there is the harder it is to control light shadow, especially with their emotions.

My brother and I have always had each other's backs, we've trained together, helped each other whenever we lost control, and always have been together. It was such a surprise to our parents they always figured since we had opposite elements and personalities we would always clash or grown agitated against each other but it was the opposite. While my brother had a bird head and tail nothing really about him was bird-like while for me my eyes, legs, and senses were bird-like but nothing else. I had stick-like legs and claws on my feet which were annoying at first because I couldn't walk all that well but I eventually got the hang of it. We were pretty much polar opposites of each other and we always believed we were going to stay together all throughout our school life since we were in the same class every year but then the U.A. letters came in and he was put into class 1-A while I was in class 1-B, it was a shock to the both of us but we were still happy nonetheless that we both got into U.A. Both my class and his didn't know that we were siblings until the Sports Festival happened and I was against Tokoyami.


"I don't believe it! It's the fated battle between siblings! Class 1-A's Fumikage Tokoyami Versus Class 1-B's (Y/N) Tokoyami!" Present Mic announces which got the attention of all the class 1-A's and B's students.


"(Y/N) had a brother? Why didn't she tell us!"

"I know right well whatever the case is YOU BETTER WIN (Y/N)! SHOW HIM THE STRENGTH OF CLASS 1-B!" I smile brightly and wave at my class, "Okay!"

"I wonder who will come out on top!" Present Mic continues commentating.

"I'm surprised you are my next opponent although I do not mind it I've grown stronger since our last battle," Fumikage says getting ready to fight knowing I never hold back especially in the day time.

"So have I brother," I say getting ready as well.

/////Flashback end/////

Those were fun memories it was really a tough battle but we both ended up just getting third place together, I was as happy as I could be while brother didn't look happy on the outside but I could tell he was on the inside. And I got to know his class a little better as I almost got kidnapped along with Bakugou and Fumikage.

/////Flashback to the Training Camp/////

I finally found the group that Fumikage was accidentally terrorizing, "Fumikage!" I yell regaining my breath and tackling my brother in a hug.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry I lost control again..." He mutters disappointedly in himself.

"That's alright I probably would have lost control too if it was daytime," I tell him.

"Nice to see you again (Y/N)." I hear a voice from behind me and I recognize the tall boy as Shoji one of Fumikage's close friends that comes over to our house often.

"Likewise Shoji." Have I mentioned I had the biggest crush on him? No? Well, I do but with Fumikage's help I've been good at hiding it in front of him but when he's not around or I don't sense him around I cannot stop myself from blushing just thinking about him. We started hanging around each other more in our free time during our training here since we were put into the same area but I was given distance for all the different lighting equipment along with all the things that makes light shadow and I grow agitated.

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