{22} Kaminari Denki x Male Reader "Not Your Toy"

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Part 1

Quirk: Shadow Arms - Users can create a pair of arms made out of their shadow and shadows in the surrounding area of 5 meters and use them to throw powerful punches or to capture people with.

Strength - the more shadows around them means the larger the arms become and are more powerful to use for both offense and defensive purposes.

Weakness - takes more concentration to control larger arms, the fewer shadows the smaller the arms become but it's effortless to manipulate them

/////Age 3 - Quirk Manifestation/////

My quirk had manifested a year earlier than the rest of my friends so everyone saw me as some sort of gifted child, many doctors and scientists wanted to study me and see as to why it manifested early but my father had drove them all off saying, "My son is just stronger than the rest of his peers, he's not some labrat you all can study." He then stormed out of the office dragging me and my mother Melany who happens to be the pro hero Shadow Rider, she's more or less an underground hero since her quirk revolves around shadows. Even though she works in the day she takes care of background deals which makes her less known to the public eye. My father is Death arms another pro hero who uses brute strength and hand to hand combat to fight off villains, at least that's what is seen on tv and he's more well known since his quirk doesn't need something like shadows.

When we got to the lobby Mom had calmed down father, "You know it's uncommon for a child to gain their quirk before 4 years of age they were just curious."

"I know, I know." Father took a deep breath before looking at me and ruffled my hair, "He's our special son and nothing is going to change that." He gave me a small smile which caused me to smile and jump in the air with my arms stretched out, "Yeah!"

They both laughed at my antics before Father picked me up following my Mother as we go back home, "How about we train so you can use your quirk better." Father tells me and I smile brightly, "Yeah then I'll be just like Mommy and Daddy!"

Mother turns around to look at me, "You want to be a hero like us?"

I nod, "Yeah when I grow up I wanna help people just like you!"

They both laugh at my enthusiasm, "Well that means your going to have to train harder than anybody to get ahead okay." Mother tells me.

I rapidly nod my head, "Uhuh then I'll be all big and strong!"

"Yes you will squirt." Father tells me and we make it to our car and drive home.

/////Age 10 At School/////

I was walking with a couple of 'friends' the only reason I call them 'friends' is because they are only around me because they found out my parents were pro heroes and assumed I was rich or whatever because Father had come to pick me up in one of his fancy cars to take me to his agency since Mom was busy working undercover again.

"I'm telling you Y/N this kid with the electricity quirk spurts out at random times and it's hilarious when he does."

I just give a look of disgust to my friend, "Well if it's electricity we're talking about then our quirks will clash so no thanks on the seeing him part." Mizu did not give up easily as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, which honestly surprised me since I was 170 cm and he was 146 cm tall, I looked down to see that he was using his water quirk as leverage. I snort at him, "How are you supposed to take me to him if you have to use your quirk just to see above heads."

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